
Molly Glasser

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Molly Glasser
A photo of Molly Glasser and a friend.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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My brother and I called my grandmother, Nana Molly. She was 56 years old when I was born and passed away at the age of 67. She giggled all the time. I adored her and loved when she would come and stay with us on the weekends. I chose this photo because it captures her playfulness (she's on the left). I just saw the movie "Gatsby" that takes place around the time of this photo. Growing up in the late 60s, a time of Rock N Roll, drugs and free sex, I thought my generation had a monopoly on that. Watching "Gatsby", I saw another generation that was perhaps even wilder. My memories of Nana were much more sedate and loving. Hard to imagine her in this photo in a world where people were racing to kill brain cells with the same fervor we did in the 60s.
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Molly Glasser
Molly Glasser of New York was born on April 16, 1898, and died at age 67 years old in December 1965.
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