
Navigator training school, Coral Gables, FL.

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Navigator training school, Coral Gables, FL.
This is the graduating class of 1944 from the Pan American Airways (Navigator) Training School in Coral Gables, FL. My father, Ira G. Eppinger is in the second row from the bottom, the second man from the left. He served in the Air Force in WW2 as a bombardier/navigator on a B-17, a member of the 379th bomb squad, stationed in Kimbolton, England. He spent 28 years in the Air Force, and retired in 1970 as a Colonel. He will celebrate his 83rd birthday on April 25, 2005. He is the son of Ira G. Eppinger, Sr. and Anna Pelzer Eppinger.
Date & Place: at Pan Am Airways Navigator Training School in Coral Gables, FL. United States
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