
Old Barrs Forge Thurlaston Warwickshire

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Old Barrs Forge Thurlaston Warwickshire
This is a SEP 2003 picture, now an upscale home, of the Old Barrs Forge in Thurlaston Village, Warwickshire, England. It was built in the mid 1700s and operated as a blacksmith shop and veterinarian clinic for over 250 years by Barrs family members.
Notice the horseshoe on the back gate post with the worlds "Old Forge." Picture taken by Al Barrs Greenwood, Florida USA in 2003.
Date & Place: at Old Barrs Forge in Thurlaston, Warwickshire United Kingdom
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Al Barrs
FEB 18, 2002 I am a FL native, my folks came to America in 1750 from England. They were farmers. My surnames are BARRS, BELL, MORGAN, NEWMAN, TOOLE, BOYETT. I am doing family history research.
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