
Olive Hope (Foster) Ferris

Updated Apr 04, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Olive Hope (Foster) Ferris
Olive Hope (Foster) Ferris, wife of Ralph Elijah Ferris.
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Olive Hope (Foster) Ferris
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Olive Hope (Foster) Ferris.
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Henry Austin
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I always had an inquisitive mind. Always wanting to hear stories of my great-grandparent’s families. I was fortunate to have had them living while I was young. Now they are my cherished memories. I began searching my family tree long before the internet provided easier access and online forums. I love reading the old books of families that can still be found while also searching online for family records. What started as a hobby has now become an obsession. One of these days I will find the time to devote more of myself to my love of research and maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to complete one of my family trees.
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