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d. 17 Dec 1843, (alt: 6 Feb 1845); Havana, Mason Co., IL.
22 May 1832, York County, Home District, Pickering Twp., Ontario, Canada, Clergy Land Lease: Concession 6, Lot 12. (Located near Elijah Foster, Horace Foster and Loren Foster.) 28 Aug 1832, married Rosina M. (Rosana) Rawson, in Sophiasburg, Upper Canada. Occupation in 1832: Yeoman; free tenant farmer; cultivated own land; honest, hard working, middleclass farmer; raised grain, vegetables and had some sheep herds. Aug 29 1833: York County, Home District, Pickering Twp., Ontario, Canada, Clergy Land Lease, Concession 6, Lot 8, 200 acres. Relocated to Havana, IL, 1835-1836. Possible parents due to strong circumstantial information (need further proof): Elijah Foster and Content Gleason. Known children of Orrin & Rosina Foster: Judson Rawson Foster, Caroline Foster, George Albert Foster and Anvilla Foster. If anybody recognizes Orrin E. Foster, please contact me.
Grist Mill in Foster Hollow 1836 Home may still be standing. 11 children Charles 1826, Holland II 1827, George 1830, Phidelia 1831, John R. 1833, Budd 1838, Wallace 1840, Perna 1842, Leonard (my line)1845 Narsis 1847 1847, Frances 1851. Interested in working with anyone on the Foster Family. (Abijah 1707 was son of Eleazerb 1684, who was son of Issac 1635, who was son of Geginald 1595)