
Polley-Jones Family

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Polley-Jones Family
A photo of the Polley and Jones family. I'm unsure who is in this photo. Maybe someone will know. This family was taken in Kentucky, probably Nebo or a nearby community.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Cynthia Long
I'm a writer of stories and poems and was a published author writing the book, Memories of My Grandfather. Writing with my grandfather, John Walker "Weird Mystery" that is in the Bloomington, Indiana University library stacks in the history of Indiana section. This book cannot be checked out because it's part of Indiana history. I love researching my family genealogy and, transcribing and scanning in old handwritten letters, and making up web pages of genealogy so others could enjoy reading them. In 1988, I was interviewed by Maurice Endwright, the owner of the Ellettsville, Indiana newspaper, (The Ellettsville Journal) for the story "Writer recalls childhood experience in cemetery" this is the same story as "Weird Mystery" named above. I've been published for her stories and poems in the Readers Digest, IVY TECH Literary Magazine, The Kentucky Explorer, Connersville News Examiner, and the Ellettsville Journal. Her story "Thanksgiving" was "Editors Choice" one year on the site, SALON.COM, a site that has now closed down. I've also had poems and stories published in the Bloomington, Indiana newspaper Herald Times telling stories of Thanksgiving, Ghosts, and Genealogy about my family. In 1978 I witnessed the excavation to locate the where abouts of of former President Abraham Lincoln's cabinet member, Caleb Blood Smith. The story named above "WEIRD MYSTERY" tells about the excavations findings. I hold a copyright at the Library of Congress, and has donated many historical items to local, and state, museums and libraries, including the Library Of Congress. There is also a donation of "Weird Mystery" to Crownhill Cemetery in Indianapolis. In 2007 I met with local actor Andrew Robert "Bob" Woolery who starred in Breaking Away in 1979. Bob turned over all his family genealogy and I prepared it and turned it over to the Monroe County public library. I've also spent long hours at cemeteries cleaning off the stones of the early settlers of Bloomington, Indiana. I have a Revolutionary War vet in my family his name is John Combs, his findagrave Memorial# 73293597 It has links to most of my family members. My grandfather is John Walker he is at findagrave # 99976835 My other love is to repupose furniture and other items to give it a new use.
My mothers family the Combs/Walkers came from England and Scotland (Ulster Scots) and settled around Virginia after Revolutionary War, later making a permanent settlement in Hazard, Ky and my fathers family Long/Lang came from Germany to Yadkin, North Carolina and later settled in Indiana.
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