
Samuel Abrahamsen's handwriting.

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Samuel Abrahamsen's handwriting.
A photo of Samuel Abrahamsen's dedication to me when he was my Norwegian teacher.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Samuel Abrahamsen
Dr. Abrahamsen was my Norwegian teacher for two years at Bay Ridge High School in Brooklyn. He was a wonderful teacher and very encouraging. Because he was so witty and bright, I suggested earnestly that he should be a college professor and he actually took my advice and was hugely successful as a college professor and sent me a postcard thanking me for my suggestion. I called him many years later and his wife knew who I was and said he often mentioned me because I got him to teach at colleges. I have all of his books. Norwegian American History ABRAHAMSEN, SAMUEL Erik J. Friis. The Scandinavian of the Month: Professor Samuel Abrahamsen. Scandinavian-American Bulletin, September, 1968. A sketch of the professor of comparative and international education at Brooklyn College and lecturer in Norwegian language and culture. Samuel Abrahamsen. Trondheim, Norway. USA Biography Ginger Metcalf Classification: Biography ABRAHAMSEN--Minerva S., at home, October 3, 2010. Dancer, educator, wife of the late Professor Samuel Abrahamsen; mother of Joy (Charles) and the late Judy Abrahamsen; grandmother and great-grandmother. Donations: The Israel Humanitarian Foundation, 2 West 46th St., Suite 1500, NYC 10036. Surnames: Abrahamsen, Fischer, Land, Passman This is a biography listed in 1977-78 Who's Who in the East. ABRAHAMSEN, SAMUEL, educator; b. Trondheim, Norway, Oct. 28, 1917; s. Solomon and Miriam (Fischer) A.; A.B., M.A., U. Oslo, 1939, postgrad. U. Cal. at Berkeley, 1940-41, Cambridge U., 1943; Ph.D., The New Sch., 1955; prin. certificate Hebrew Union Coll., 1956; postgrad. (Univ. fellow) Cornell U., 1962; m. Minerva S. Passman, June 8, 1947; children--Joy S. Land, Judy. Came to U. S., 1940, naturalized, 1948. U.S. coordinator information N.Y.C., 1941; narrator, translator Army Ednl. Corps., Royal Norwegian Free Forces in U.K., 1942-45; instr. in French and history Trondheim Katedralskole, Norway, 1945-46; instr. Norwegian and social studies Bay Ridge HIgh Sch., Bklyn., 1951-63; asst. prof. dept. edn. Bklyn. Coll., 1963-69, asso. prof., 1970--, prof. dept. Judaic Studies, 1973--, acting chmn., 1971-72, dep. chmn. dept., 1972-75, langs., 1968--, faculty coordinator Judaic Studies Program, 1970--, chmn. dept. Judaic Studies 1975--; faculty adviser Scandinavian Cultural Soc., 1965--, Internat. Club, 1970--, instr. Norwegian, Coll. City N.Y. Sch. Gen. Studies, 1954-58, Internat. Summer Scho., U. Oslo (Norway), 1959; instr. contemporary civilization and econs. Bronx Community Coll., N.Y.C. 1960-63; vis. asso. prof. Cornell U., summer 1967 N.Y.U., 1967-68; research asso. UNESCO, 1967-69. Ednl. cons. N.Y. Bd. Jewish Edn., 1956-71, Center for Urban Edn., N.Y.C., 1968-70; mem. nat. governing council Am. Jewish Congress, 1973--, vice chmn. acad. com., 1973--, v.p. Bklyn. div.;mem. adv. bd. Met. N.Y. Commn. on Tchr. Edn. and Profl. Standards, 1966-; fgn. corr. Verdens Gang, Oslo, 1946--; faculty religious sch. Temple Beth Emeth, 1952-57; faculty adult edn. dept. Congregation Beth Elohim, Bklyn, 1956-61; sec. Center for Migratory Studies, Bklyn. Coll., 1965--, chmn. com. on rev. of faculty council, 1970--, mem. faculty council, 1971--, rec. sec. 1st Ann. Conf. Urban Edn., 1964--, mem. com. on master planning and ednl. policy, 1972--; sec. Tribute to the Danes, Inc., 1968--; sec. Norwegian Immigration Sesquicentennial Commn., 1973--; adv. bd. program, study abroad City U. N.Y., dir. grad. travel seminar, summers 1969, 70; dir. Bklyn. Coll. Summer Inst. in Israel, 1971-72, 73, 74; adviser acad. council Am. Coll. Jerusalem; participant 11th annual Am. Israeli Dialogue, Jerusalem, 1973. Decorated King Haakon VII Meml. medal (Norway); Royal Norwegian St. Olav medal; recipient Nat. Hillel Gold Key, 1970, hon. citation Alumni a**. the New Sch., 1971; Am. Scandinavian Found. fellow, 1940-41; Agnes Brown Leach fellow, 1949-51; N.Y. Council on Econ. Edn. fellow, 1961; Jewish Commn. on Edn. fellow, Israel, summer 1964; U. City N.Y> faculty research grantee, 1975-76. Mem Norseman's League (council 1954-56, 68-69, bd. dirs. 1968--), Am.-Scandinavian Found. (chmn. edn. com. 1955-59, chmn. library and information com. 1965--), Doctorate Assn. N.Y. Educators (editor Lux et Veritas 1959-61), Soc. for Advancement Scandinavian Study (treas. com. on local arrangement 1965--), Faculty Hillel Asso. (pres. 1966-68), Am. Assn. U. Profs., Am. Econ. Assn., Assn. for Supervision and Curriculum Devel., N.E.A., Comparative Edn. Soc., History Edn. Soc., Modern Lan. Assn. Am., N.Y. Soc. Exptl. Study Edn. Soc., Modern Lang. Assn. Am., N.Y. Soc. Exptl. Study Edn., Norwegian-Am. Histo. Assn., Am-Jewish Histo. Soc., Nat. Assn., Temple Educators, Assn. for Jewish Studies, Univ Centers for Rational Alternatives (chpt. pres. 1969-70), Am. Jewish Com., Am. Jewish Congress, Conf. Jewish Social Studies, Am. Acad. Com. for Peace in Middle East, Nat. Council Jewish Edn., Am. Friends Hebrew U. Author: Sweden's Foreign Policy, 1957; Say it in Norwegian, 1957. Asso. editor; Western European Education, 1968. Contbg. editor Education News and Notes, 1968--. Contbr. articles to various Am., fgn. publs. Home; 4 Washington Square Village New York City NY 10012 Office: Bklyn Coll Dept Judaic Studies Brooklyn NY 11210
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Amanda S. Stevenson
For fifty years I have been a Document Examiner and that is how I earn my living. For over 50 years I have also been a publicist for actors, singers, writers, composers, artists, comedians, and many progressive non-profit organizations. I am a Librettist-Composer of a Broadway musical called, "Nellie Bly" and I am in the process of making small changes to it. In addition, I have written over 100 songs that would be considered "popular music" in the genre of THE AMERICAN SONGBOOK.
My family consists of four branches. The Norwegians and The Italians and the Norwegian-Americans and the Italian Americans.
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