
The Halling/Good Family

Updated Jan 21, 2025 moment please loading spinner
The Halling/Good Family
Frederick and Sarah Good Halling with their three children posing outside their home in Mill Creek, LaPorte, Indiana. George can be seen in the extreme right of the photograph.
Date & Place: at Halling Home in Mill Creek/LaPorte, Indiana United States
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George F Halling
George F Halling was born on November 9, 1879. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember George F Halling.
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Carrie L Halling
Carrie L Halling was born on April 28, 1885. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Carrie L Halling.
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Sarah H Good-Halling
Sarah H Good-Halling was born on August 31, 1843. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Sarah H Good-Halling.
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Rose B Halling
Rose B Halling was born on March 13, 1887. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Rose B Halling.
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Fredrick C Halling
Fredrick C Halling was born on February 9, 1844. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Fredrick C Halling.
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