
Baze Family History & Genealogy

695 biographies and 4 photos with the Baze last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Baze family members.

Baze Last Name History & Origin



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Early Bazes

These are the earliest records we have of the Baze family.

Doctor P Baze of Abilene, Taylor County, TX was born on January 22, 1868, and died at age 98 years old on December 15, 1966.
Martha E Baze of Chickasha, Grady County, OK was born on November 28, 1874, and died at age 93 years old on June 15, 1968.
Ollie B Baze of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, OK was born on October 16, 1879, and died at age 87 years old on November 15, 1966.
Nellie Baze of La Puente, Los Angeles County, CA was born on November 5, 1879, and died at age 91 years old on February 15, 1971.
Minnie H Baze of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, OK was born on September 13, 1880, and died at age 85 years old on July 15, 1966.
Emma Baze of Eden, Rockingham County, North Carolina was born on June 1, 1882, and died at age 94 years old in February 1977.
James Baze of Roscoe, Nolan County, Texas was born on August 2, 1882, and died at age 85 years old in September 1967.
George Baze of California was born on September 15, 1882, and died at age 82 years old in October 1964.
Grace Baze of San Angelo, Tom Green County, Texas was born on September 1, 1883, and died at age 82 years old in July 1966.
Walter Baze of Chickasha, Grady County, Oklahoma was born on January 15, 1883, and died at age 89 years old in November 1972.
Lula L Baze of Boonville, Cooper County, MO was born on August 12, 1884, and died at age 86 years old on October 15, 1970.
Joe Baze was born on April 21, 1886, and died at age 66 years old on April 29, 1952. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Joe Baze.

Baze Family Photos

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Baze Family Tree

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Updated Baze Biographies

Melissa Baze was in a relationship with Sylvester Allen Arredondo and they later separated. Melissa Baze has a child Allie Kay Arredondo. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Melissa Baze.
Bennie Ray Baze of Jacksboro, Jack County, Texas was born on September 21, 1947, and died at age 62 years old on June 29, 2010.
John Melvin Baze of Cisco, Eastland County, Texas was born on June 6, 1931, and died at age 79 years old on January 6, 2011.
Michael M Baze of Kerrville, Kerr County, TX was born on May 13, 1904, and died at age 81 years old on November 23, 1985. Michael Baze was buried at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery Section 1 Site 773 1520 Harry Wurzbach Road, in San Antonio.
Michael Brister Baze of San Angelo, Tom Green County, Texas was born on October 20, 1954. Michael Baze was married to Janet L. (Maxwell) Baze on October 27, 1973 in Crane County, TX and they separated on October 27, 1976 in Irion County, and died at age 54 years old on July 11, 2009.
Billy W Baze of Mason, Mason County, TX was born on June 17, 1926, and died at age 73 years old on May 28, 2000.
Sharon L (Morgan) Baze of Midland, Midland County, TX was born on June 6, 1953, and died at age 56 years old on September 9, 2009.
Howard R Baze of New Windsor, Mercer County, IL was born on January 5, 1919, and died at age 73 years old on February 12, 1992.
Bobby L Baze of Boyd, Wise County, TX was born on April 13, 1934, and died at age 69 years old on April 15, 2003.
Ross B Baze of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma was born on November 7, 1903, and died at age 78 years old in February 1982.
Susie L Baze of Tyler, Smith County, TX was born on October 9, 1913, and died at age 89 years old on November 26, 2002.
Johnny Dewey Baze of San Angelo, Tom Green County, Texas was born on January 23, 1951, and died at age 56 years old on July 8, 2007.
Clarence D Baze of Midlothian, Ellis County, Texas was born on February 14, 1917, and died at age 64 years old in December 1981.
Winford Eason Baze of Tyler, Smith County, Texas was born on July 14, 1914, and died at age 92 years old on December 30, 2006.
Grover C Baze of Sun City West, Maricopa County, AZ was born on May 17, 1926, and died at age 74 years old on September 23, 2000.
Grady P Baze of Idalou, Lubbock County, TX was born on October 4, 1924, and died at age 72 years old on November 1, 1996.
Graydon W Baze of Eastland County, TX was born circa 1923. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Graydon W Baze.
Boyd E Baze of Ada, Pontotoc County, OK was born on October 23, 1927, and died at age 69 years old on September 23, 1997.
Doc Prestley Baze of Porterville, Tulare County, California was born on March 1, 1922, and died at age 85 years old on January 6, 2008.
Jessie C Baze of Bakersfield, Kern County, CA was born on November 9, 1923, and died at age 71 years old on October 8, 1995.

Popular Baze Biographies

Laura Jean (Gaddy) Baze was born on June 24, 1969 in Houston, Harris County, Texas United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Laura Jean Gaddy.
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Kacey Baze.
Jozette Baze of Lexington, Cleveland County, Oklahoma was born on October 13, 1900, and died at age 85 years old in October 1985.
Melissa Baze was in a relationship with Sylvester Allen Arredondo and they later separated. Melissa Baze has a child Allie Kay Arredondo. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Melissa Baze.
Cheryl G Baze of Gaines County, TX was born circa 1962. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Cheryl G. (Hicks) Baze.
Caylube Steven Baze of Utah was born on July 11, 2007, and died on September 18, 2007.
Lee A Baze of TX was born circa 1970. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lee A. (Wallace) Baze.
David G Baze of Harris County, TX was born circa 1969. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember David G. Baze.
Deette Baze of Texarkana, Bowie County, TX was born on June 14, 1915, and died at age 78 years old on March 27, 1994.
Rebecca A Baze of TX was born circa 1975. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Rebecca A. (Lyell) Baze.
Donnie L Baze of Parker County, TX was born circa 1955. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Donnie L. Baze.
Steven L Baze of Travis County, TX was born circa 1971. Steven Baze was married to Constance (Cichon) Baze on July 22, 1997 in Travis County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Steven L. Baze.
John P Baze of Harriet, Searcy County, AR was born on November 25, 1955, and died at age 49 years old on August 26, 2005.
Fred Baze of Spring Hill, Hernando County, FL was born on September 9, 1920, and died at age 75 years old on December 1, 1995.
Candice S Baze was born on June 28, 1974, and died at age 28 years old on September 10, 2002. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Candice S Baze.
Lydia L Baze of Ector County, TX was born circa 1949. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lydia L. (Preslar) Baze.
Linda M Baze of Godfrey, Madison County, IL was born on February 3, 1966, and died at age 43 years old on February 11, 2009.
Grady P Baze of Idalou, Lubbock County, TX was born on October 4, 1924, and died at age 72 years old on November 1, 1996.
Ralph S Baze of Grayson County, TX was born circa 1948. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Ralph S. Baze.
Delbert R Baze of Seattle, King County, WA was born on February 16, 1922, and died at age 74 years old on August 15, 1996.

Baze Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Baze family member is 70.0 years old according to our database of 378 people with the last name Baze that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

70.0 years

Oldest Bazes

These are the longest-lived members of the Baze family on AncientFaces.

Doctor P Baze of Abilene, Taylor County, TX was born on January 22, 1868, and died at age 98 years old on December 15, 1966.
98 years
Caroline Baze of Sequim, Clallam County, Washington was born on November 17, 1888, and died at age 97 years old in May 1986.
97 years
Auda Baze of Yucaipa, San Bernardino County, California was born on February 19, 1888, and died at age 97 years old in January 1986.
97 years
Wayne L Baze of San Angelo, Tom Green County, TX was born on November 25, 1900, and died at age 96 years old on August 24, 1997.
96 years
Emma Baze of Eden, Rockingham County, North Carolina was born on June 1, 1882, and died at age 94 years old in February 1977.
94 years
James W Baze of Midland, Midland County, TX was born on October 22, 1906, and died at age 94 years old on August 5, 2001.
94 years
Wylie C Baze of Rowland Heights, Los Angeles County, CA was born on December 19, 1892, and died at age 94 years old on December 7, 1987.
94 years
Lloyd Baze of Beaumont, Riverside County, CA was born on September 2, 1901, and died at age 93 years old on May 25, 1995.
93 years
Maurine Baze of Ponca City, Kay County, OK was born on November 8, 1901, and died at age 93 years old on April 29, 1995.
93 years
Martha E Baze of Chickasha, Grady County, OK was born on November 28, 1874, and died at age 93 years old on June 15, 1968.
93 years
Millie G Baze of Rowland Heights, Los Angeles County, CA was born on September 12, 1896, and died at age 93 years old on May 20, 1990.
93 years
Katherine Baze of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, OK was born on February 9, 1905, and died at age 93 years old on December 19, 1998.
93 years

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