
Frampton Family History & Genealogy

1,184 biographies and 9 photos with the Frampton last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Frampton family members.

Frampton Last Name History & Origin



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Early Framptons

These are the earliest records we have of the Frampton family.

Charlotte (Bucher) Frampton
Charlotte (Bucher) Frampton was born in May 1852 in Maryland United States, and died at age 79 years old on October 9, 1931. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Charlotte (Bucher) Frampton.
Ben Frampton of Nebraska was born on October 16, 1873, and died at age 90 years old in April 1964.
Howard Frampton
Howard Frampton was born in 1873. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Howard Frampton.
Edith Frampton of Mount Pleasant, Charleston County, South Carolina was born on September 1, 1874, and died at age 96 years old in May 1971.
Alfred Frampton of Brookhaven, Delaware County, Pennsylvania was born on April 9, 1875, and died at age 92 years old in June 1967.
Elijah J Frampton of Preston, Caroline County, MD was born on January 1, 1875, and died at age 91 years old on July 15, 1966.
Mollie (Nagel) Frampton
Mollie Nagel (Nagel) Frampton was born in 1876, and died at age 90 years old in 1966 in Maryland United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mollie (Nagel) Frampton.
Lawrence Frampton of California was born on September 29, 1877, and died at age 85 years old in May 1963.
Harvey Frampton was born on December 17, 1877, and died at age 70 years old in March 1948. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Harvey Frampton.
Arthur Frampton of Artesia, Los Angeles County, California was born on November 18, 1877, and died at age 91 years old in January 1969.
Mabel Frampton of Whittier, Los Angeles County, California was born on January 24, 1878, and died at age 98 years old in March 1976.
George Frampton of Missouri was born on October 22, 1878, and died at age 85 years old in October 1963.

Frampton Family Photos

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Frampton Family Tree

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Updated Frampton Biographies

Mollie (Nagel) Frampton
Mollie Nagel (Nagel) Frampton was born in 1876, and died at age 90 years old in 1966 in Maryland United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mollie (Nagel) Frampton.
Charlotte (Bucher) Frampton
Charlotte (Bucher) Frampton was born in May 1852 in Maryland United States, and died at age 79 years old on October 9, 1931. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Charlotte (Bucher) Frampton.
Katherine (Hack) Frampton
Katherine (Hack) Frampton was born on May 11, 1896. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Katherine (Hack) Frampton.
Virginia (Frampton) Spear was born in 1946. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Virginia Spear.
James H. Frampton is the father of Virginia Spear. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember James H. Frampton.
Clarence Henry Frampton of Numurkah Australia was born on December 14, 1915 in Numurkah, Moira Shire County, VIC, and died at age 67 years old on May 4, 1983 in Hallam, City of Casey County. Clarence Frampton was buried in 1982 at The Necropolis Princes' highway, in Springvale.
Lorraine Nellie (Madex) Frampton of Hallam, City of Casey County, VIC Australia was born on October 1, 1918 in Brunswick, City of Merri-bek County, and died at age 87 years old on July 22, 2006 in Hallam.
Mary Alice (Saunders) Frampton of Stawell, Northern Grampians Shire County, VIC Australia was born in 1890 in Stawell, and died at age 81 years old in 1971 in Stawell.
Joyce Mary (Frampton) Gleeson of Joel Joel, Northern Grampians Shire County, VIC Australia was born in 1918 in Joel Joel, and died at age 63 years old in 1981.
Harry Frampton of Ballarat, City of Ballarat County, VIC Australia was born in 1888, and died at age 81 years old in 1969 in Ballarat.
Mary S Frampton of Downey, Los Angeles County, California was born on July 18, 1917, and died at age 60 years old in November 1977.
William A Frampton of Erie, Erie County, PA was born on October 8, 1922, and died at age 63 years old in November 1985.
William M Frampton of Glendora, Camden County, NJ was born on February 8, 1902, and died at age 70 years old in October 1972.
Lewis J Frampton of Greenville, Greenville County, South Carolina was born on May 6, 1926, and died at age 85 years old on May 10, 2011.
Morgan D Frampton of Hermitage, Mercer County, PA was born on September 7, 1915, and died at age 84 years old on November 5, 1999.
Joel Wyman Frampton of Charleston, Charleston County, South Carolina was born on May 22, 1919, and died at age 86 years old on April 30, 2006.
John C Frampton of Reinbeck, Grundy County, IA was born on September 19, 1925, and died at age 82 years old on September 5, 2008.
Marian A Frampton of Carrollton, Carroll County, OH was born on June 26, 1911, and died at age 78 years old on April 9, 1990.
Joseph A Frampton of Bedford, Cuyahoga County, OH was born on March 12, 1925, and died at age 66 years old on February 2, 1992.
Joseph J Frampton of Bradford, McKean County, PA was born on February 2, 1919, and died at age 65 years old in December 1984.

Popular Frampton Biographies

Charlotte (Bucher) Frampton
Charlotte (Bucher) Frampton was born in May 1852 in Maryland United States, and died at age 79 years old on October 9, 1931. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Charlotte (Bucher) Frampton.
Mollie (Nagel) Frampton
Mollie Nagel (Nagel) Frampton was born in 1876, and died at age 90 years old in 1966 in Maryland United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mollie (Nagel) Frampton.
John Frampton
John Frampton was born in 1923. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John Frampton.
Katherine (Hack) Frampton
Katherine (Hack) Frampton was born on May 11, 1896. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Katherine (Hack) Frampton.
Louise Frampton
Louise Frampton was born in 1925. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Louise Frampton.
James H. Frampton is the father of Virginia Spear. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember James H. Frampton.
Charles  Frampton
Charles Wesley Frampton was born in 1933. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Charles Frampton.
Howard Frampton
Howard Frampton was born in 1873. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Howard Frampton.
Joyce Mary (Frampton) Gleeson of Joel Joel, Northern Grampians Shire County, VIC Australia was born in 1918 in Joel Joel, and died at age 63 years old in 1981.
Virginia (Frampton) Spear was born in 1946. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Virginia Spear.
Harry Frampton of Ballarat, City of Ballarat County, VIC Australia was born in 1888, and died at age 81 years old in 1969 in Ballarat.
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Beverly Frampton.
Anna Frampton
Anna Frampton was born in 1921. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Anna Frampton.
Harry Frampton, Sr.
Harry Henry Frampton Sr. was born in 1898. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Harry Frampton, Sr..
Mary Alice (Saunders) Frampton of Stawell, Northern Grampians Shire County, VIC Australia was born in 1890 in Stawell, and died at age 81 years old in 1971 in Stawell.
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Connie Frampton.
Kate (Hack) Frampton
Kate (Hack) Frampton was born in 1896. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Kate (Hack) Frampton.
Clarence Henry Frampton of Numurkah Australia was born on December 14, 1915 in Numurkah, Moira Shire County, VIC, and died at age 67 years old on May 4, 1983 in Hallam, City of Casey County. Clarence Frampton was buried in 1982 at The Necropolis Princes' highway, in Springvale.
William R Frampton of Lake City, Columbia County, FL was born on November 9, 1927, and died at age 73 years old on January 28, 2001.
Dorothy Irene (Frampton) Workman was born on September 6, 1935. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Dorothy Irene (Frampton) Workman.

Frampton Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Frampton family member is 74.0 years old according to our database of 1,093 people with the last name Frampton that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

74.0 years

Oldest Framptons

These are the longest-lived members of the Frampton family on AncientFaces.

Meta L Frampton of La Jolla, San Diego County, CA was born on May 3, 1898, and died at age 105 years old on January 8, 2004.
105 years
Kate Frampton of La Puente, Los Angeles County, California was born on January 26, 1879, and died at age 105 years old in November 1984.
105 years
Helen W Frampton of Bethesda, Montgomery County, MD was born on June 4, 1888, and died at age 103 years old on March 30, 1992.
103 years
Vera Frampton of Houston, Harris County, TX was born on November 14, 1903, and died at age 101 years old on May 30, 2005.
101 years
Mildred M Frampton of Wallingford, New Haven County, CT was born on July 28, 1899, and died at age 101 years old on September 15, 2000.
101 years
Martha E Frampton of Fred, Tyler County, Texas was born on January 17, 1909, and died at age 101 years old on February 10, 2010.
101 years
Clara M Frampton of Easton, Talbot County, MD was born on July 22, 1899, and died at age 100 years old on June 11, 2000.
100 years
Murl F Frampton of Oklahoma City, Cleveland County, OK was born on October 17, 1905, and died at age 101 years old on December 25, 2006.
101 years
Gladys L Frampton of Portland, Multnomah County, OR was born on January 25, 1893, and died at age 100 years old in December 1993.
100 years
Margaret K Frampton of Lincoln, Lancaster County, NE was born on October 2, 1897, and died at age 99 years old on November 3, 1996.
99 years
Garnet K Frampton of Denton, Denton County, TX was born on November 9, 1899, and died at age 98 years old on February 7, 1998.
98 years
Harry Frampton of Urbana, Champaign County, IL was born on January 7, 1883, and died at age 98 years old in May 1981.
98 years

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