Gil Family History & Genealogy
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Robert was born 29 Sept, 1834 In Great Corby, Cumberland, England. John Henry was born may 24, 1860 in Runcorn, Cheshire, England.
Jose Leon Gil (McGill) was born in Scotland abt 1795. He was a soldier of fortune, a mercenary,choosing to go to Madrid, Spain where he met his wife Lousa Allos. Their firstborn was Jose Maria Gil, b.1821 in Madrid. There may have been other children, but to date, we do not know who they are. This family removed to Mexico abt 1830-1835. About 1850, their son Jose Maria went to California to seek his fortune during the Gold Rush. Apparently he did well, and bought farmland in Jolon, Monterey Co., CA. His parents remained behind in Erongaricuaro, Michoacan,Mexico. Not much more is known about Jose Leon or his wife Lousa. Please contact me if you have further info. regarding this Gil (McGill) family. Thank you.
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Gil Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Gil family member is 70.0 years old according to our database of 2,159 people with the last name Gil that have a birth and death date listed.
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Oldest Gils
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This is the first installment of my Gil family story.
Gary Beene