
Gutaj Family History & Genealogy

3 biographies and photos with the Gutaj last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Gutaj family members.

Gutaj Last Name History & Origin




The year 594 BC in Babylon pasture and later return of the Jews of Nehemiah and Ezra the prophet to Israel. Expelled min. Gutaj Ammihud son. Omri, Imri .... Judah son of Jacob in the Bible translation of the Serbian Orthodox. In our translation (Polish) is Uthai. Serbian translation is about 100 years earlier. If we assume that it is ready and Germanic ancestor of his sons and daughters conajmiej for 3 generations bore the name of the father-that is, it could Gutaj.Spowodować able to survive in its original name and changed his language to the present day varieties such as France, England, Italy, , Lithuania, Bulgaria and etc.
Returning home from exile in Babylon described in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah Gutaj is already in another tribal affiliation, the son of Bani (the head of the family-the equivalent of the Duke). This episode requires more detailed research. He returns from exile about 1 / 3 of Israel, the rest of  men  having a wife is of foreign origin.Tylko small part of this group survive in Babylon as the Jewish people, some returned to Israel from Nehemiah and Ezra, the remaining assimilates and some of them migrate to north, west and east to Europe and Asia.
Today, their descendants are the residents of most countries in Europe and Asia, and certainly Germany British, French, Irish, Danes Austrians the Serbs. The Mongols, Cossacks, Armenians, Afghans .. and others.Ofcurse earlier migrations from the area of ​​the northern tribes of Israel has already occurred around 800-900 BC by King Omri, caused inter-tribal fighting and the need to seek a better space of live.Omri Gutaj’s grandfather who is considered the ancestor of all Germans.
Translations of the Old Testament was made about 150 roku.Z the same year come the records of ancient scholars and historians on the history of the Goths as described below ("the seven men called dark low Gutaj on Scandinavian Peninsula, who came to about 150 the year and they were afraid that someone does not recognize "). Is it a coincidence of names, whether they are descendants who came from areas Israelites Babylon or Israel with his father's name, what they fear?
The longest line in the Jewish genealogy of inherited his father's name for 1000 years moved from Rosh Galuthią Gaonowie headed. Is it a coincidence that almost all mutations of the oldest names Gutaj (Guth, Guti, Gut, Guta, Gutai., Gutay,) can be created from a combination of letters Galuthia names?
There is evidence that the "memorial" from the tribes of Dan leave no traces in the form of geographical names, names of countries, rivers, etc. For example, Denmark. Dunabe-Dunaj.Dniepr. Donietsk, ... etc. At Jutland (Gutland what is read from the Hebrew Dżutland) Jutajowie lived. They settled also in England.There is Jiutaj town and found there name Gutai, China has a random name?
Gutaj also left traces as above. how old? I know in part, for sure more than 500 years. The name occurs more than 800 years in the pedigree and genealogical books of England and France. Name Gutaj is the oldest name among Germans Yugoslavian, and tzw.Donau-Schwabe (countries of the Danube), Gutay - the oldest among Saxonów and Normans - including those in England), and the nobility that comes from the Goths in the south of France with the prince of the Goths-inclusive Goitainem and the names of dozens of varieties of Gautier. In practice, constantly discovering new documents and information over the last 2000 years. All findings are consistent with the passed in various distant sources of knowledge, this method of checking the truth, I took the time to collect information. The truth of the Bible translation and the information contained therein is, in my opinion reliable source of historical knowledge, which is confirmed by various scientific studies including archaeological sites.
I have a book in which the genealogical author with the title of dr. argues that all of us as Poles in our 1000 year history, conajmiej one common ancestor. Using the mathematical formula for calculating appropriate mathematical sequences calculated that if it was 1000 years ago, two parents and he and she had two children and each of these children had only two children ... etc. -Is today after 1000 years (33 generations) of these parents, providing about 36 million. people. How does this apply to 2600 year history, which is mentioned in this report that is more than 80 generations, and with more children ..
Living several hundred years before Christ, David and Samolon had wives at about 1000 of which approximately 400 Jews and 600 from a forein tribe. How many today after 2800 years people comes from them in a line of male and female will leave the reader to assess.
One of my friends drew up his family tree back 300 years, it turned out to be related to all technical colleagues coming from his native village. My name Gutaj due to the fact that it is very old, found in over 30 nationalities. Among them are representatives of all major races and religion. We can assume with high probability that much of the representatives of these nations is derived from the various permutations of the family genealogy and other Gutaja can be recorded in history and as well as the Old Testament names.
How does this apply to the nonsense propounded by nationalists of various stripes will leave the assessment readers .I present key facts and documents that I obtained in various ways during the 11 years of searching, as to the veracity of which I have no doubt:
Year 150. For Scandinavia there are seven people were called Gutaj, as I described powyżej.Podstawą this description is research and online discussion two professors (from Sweden and Spain). Famous ancient historians on which they rely, and professors of the history of titles dealing with the issue of the Goths - authors of this information and do not raise my objections to their authenticity.
Year approximately 850 - 900th Gutej-champion of Buddhism .. Jadi or Judi).
Year 800-1200. History Gutay names in Normandy and England Saxons. Family coat of arms is an eloquent Gutay-lion in England, over the roof and top of the cap on the left and right side after a lion. Lion symbolized the house of Judah and the descendants of David, for example. Is not this a symbolic representation of the house with a combination of two houses (two (ancestral line) in one?. Such a combination, eg two lines in one family had the first of the rulers of Ireland-Heremon. Heremon was the grandson of Pharaoh, married a princess - one of the last living with two sisters of the house of David. Pharaoh had ancestry with roots in Israel. Lions are an eloquent symbol of the coats of the oldest aristocratic English and French. In correspondence with a descendant of Jews from Spain by the name of galut (Galuthia) got the information that was in the coat of arms lion and a red sleeve with mieczem.Najstarszy sign-symbol found in Ireland is a stylized Star of David. For all the issues raised have gathered source materials. Gutaj name occurred among the Norman-Saxon nobility in England and France. The name has changed along with the English language; today have dozens of variations of the name among the descendants scattered all over the world. Description is in the books of England pedigree and history of the Normans and Saxon’s.

1120 Year of Secret History Czingiz Khan-name occurs in family : Targutaj and Gutaj-bel. Nearby places where the story began, I found Czingiz-K han town called Gutaj. Czingiz han gathered around him several tribes of different origin, had around him a very wise counselors with outstanding wiedzy.Stworzenie great empire was the work of their art of war, their wisdom and umiętnosci governance. According to some theory of the descendants of Judah are disciplined warriors, builders, managers, people are brave, consistent. All nations of the ancestors of this line have these features as the prevailing ..
 Yer 1200- 1300 invasions MongolIn the spring of 1241, the armies of Batu Khan crossed into Hungary at three separate points. The main Mongol force overwhelmed the king's army in the Sajó valley; Béla and the remnants of his troops escaped to make a last stand in Transdanubia. Two other Mongol armies invaded Transylvania. The first, led by Kadan, crossed the Radna Pass and laid siege to Radna, a prosperous mining town inhabited by Germans. Using the conquered Germans as an advance guard, the Mongols proceeded to devastate Beszterce, then Kolozsvár, where — according to contemporary reports — they slaughtered 'countless Hungarians'.[16]16. Századok, 1882, pp. 431-432 (cited from a manuscript in Paris). Bereft of defenders, Northern Transylvania was ravaged by the Mongols, who finally left the region by way of the Meszes Pass to join up with Batu's main force in the Great Plain. The other Mongol army, led by Bogutaj, entered Transylvania through the Ojtoz Pass, the {1-443.} traditional route taken by eastern invaders. The Mongols prevailed over the Transylvanian army and killed its commander, the voivode Pósa, then pressed on down the Olt valley into the heart of the region. Küküllővár, Nagyszeben, and Gyulafehérvár fell in quick succession; the invaders moved westward along the Maros, crushing all resistance and bringing death and destruction to villages and towns. Meanwhile, a detachment, led by Bedzsak, crossed the Szeret River and conquered the land of the western, Christianized Cumanians; fifteen years of painstaking work by the Hungarian state and Church to develop this region were swept away by the Mongol invasion.
Year 1250 and earlier to about 600 Gutaj name among the nobility Norman-Saxon in England and France. The name has changed along with the English language; today occurs several varieties of this name among the descendants scattered all over the world. Description can be found in the breed history of England and the Normans and Saxon’s.
From the year 600 to the present name from Goitaine, Gautier Goitier, Guth, Guti, Goth. Goti Gotaj Gati,  Gautiaj ... in the history of the aristocracy of southern France.
Year around 1420 Gutaje-aristocratic surname in Malta. Nowadays, there is now the name of the name Gutajar, Lithuania Gutajtis, Italy Gutaini, lists of Jews and inne.W Gutajner Abravanela published autobiography rabbi at the University of Madrid, the author refers to - "Maestro de la Gutaj" (he lived about 1500 )
About 1 500 years-town Gutaj and Kohan at Zabajkalu in Buryatia. In the town were conducted by American scientists and Russian folklore studies. I got information from them that the village has a conajmiej 500 years and was inhabited by some tribes Buriaków and Turkish. At the same time in Japan, art group was founded by the famous Taoist Gutaj that works artistically to the present day geographical names: Gutai Sinzalai Ghar-up in Pakistaniem Gutai-Shan mountains in China, Gutay, Gutai, Gutaj-place in the Buryat population of Zabajkalu, Bahk-Gutai mountains in Pakistan, Gutai-channel in Slovakia, Gutai Sinzai Kar-up in Pakistan. etc ... Each of these provisions requires a separate study to determine the origin and history of the origin of these names.
Ok. 1730 Family Gutaj-Budapest.
1745 Gutaj  in Gerona Spain
Ok. Ferdinand Gutaj 1845-my great-grandfather was born. In Pernau (in Wels, Austria, now or in Bavaria.)
Basil Gutaj-my grandfather was born. K. In 1891 Tarnawa Dobromil-now in Ukraine, not far from Przemysl. His sister Maria (Gerl) and Anna (Kurc) married for the Germans and went to Germany before the war. Anna is listed pedigree tzw.galicjan-germanium).
Requires a thorough examination I discovered last year an interesting triangle on the atlas of Asia (Mongolia, the Gobi desert. Buryatia). The first side of the triangle counts of about 1472 km on it and exactly on a straight line is in / in town just Gutaj, then, Gaoan, Gaotaj, Jiutaj District Changchung-Gutian, Galut. The other side of the triangle leads to the south desert Gobi, and is also 1472 km. If these names were created 500 years ago, it was not so accurate when measuring methods. As has been measured and determined?, Or is it so many coincidences, which may be in the triangle? . It is worth emphasizing that these were also areas Czingizhana early history. Is there something hidden? Subject requires detailed research. A striking fact is striving to reach in that direction Viking boat (coming from ready), who searched for something. Several years ago I found the name Gutai -Jiutaj near the village among the Chinese has just the Changchung (Secretary parti in a car factory). Gutai name is probably also in other parts of Chin.Główne 3 lines and found family names are: Rosh Galuta. Uthai (Gutaj) Gaon, Jutaj, Is in comparison with those names do not see the amazing similarity in names. ?.
I found the name of the town Gutai (Gutaj-Gutay) in Iran, and the name Gutai mountains and passes in Romania geographical names in Buryatia, Zabajkalu, Buryatia Slovakia, Hungary, China, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Russia. This word occurs in the oldest languages ​​and linguistic research: Indo-Germanic languages, Hebrew, Irish, English, Syrian Caucasus -germanic and others. In the course of the expansion of online resources, more and more new facts history fills the missing card ready (Gutaj’s as well). The case is the development and virtually every month find new facts. Already have a lot of contacts on Skype with Gutaj’s in Europe but my and their limited language capabilities hamper the exchange of information.

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Name Origin


The year 594 BC in Babylon pasture and later return of the Jews of Nehemiah and Ezra the prophet to Israel. Expelled min. Gutaj Ammihud son. Omri, Imri .... Judah son of Jacob in the Bible translation of the Serbian Orthodox. In our translation (Polish) is Uthai. Serbian translation is about 100 years earlier. If we assume that it is ready and Germanic ancestor of his sons and daughters conajmiej for 3 generations bore the name of the father-that is, it could Gutaj.Spowodować able to survive in its original name and changed his language to the present day varieties such as France, England, Italy, , Lithuania, Bulgaria and etc.
Returning home from exile in Babylon described in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah Gutaj is already in another tribal affiliation, the son of Bani (the head of the family-the equivalent of the Duke). This episode requires more detailed research. He returns from exile about 1 / 3 of Israel, the rest of  men  having a wife is of foreign origin.Tylko small part of this group survive in Babylon as the Jewish people, some returned to Israel from Nehemiah and Ezra, the remaining assimilates and some of them migrate to north, west and east to Europe and Asia.
Today, their descendants are the residents of most countries in Europe and Asia, and certainly Germany British, French, Irish, Danes Austrians the Serbs. The Mongols, Cossacks, Armenians, Afghans .. and others.Ofcurse earlier migrations from the area of ​​the northern tribes of Israel has already occurred around 800-900 BC by King Omri, caused inter-tribal fighting and the need to seek a better space of live.Omri Gutaj’s grandfather who is considered the ancestor of all Germans.
Translations of the Old Testament was made about 150 roku.Z the same year come the records of ancient scholars and historians on the history of the Goths as described below ("the seven men called dark low Gutaj on Scandinavian Peninsula, who came to about 150 the year and they were afraid that someone does not recognize "). Is it a coincidence of names, whether they are descendants who came from areas Israelites Babylon or Israel with his father's name, what they fear?
The longest line in the Jewish genealogy of inherited his father's name for 1000 years moved from Rosh Galuthią Gaonowie headed. Is it a coincidence that almost all mutations of the oldest names Gutaj (Guth, Guti, Gut, Guta, Gutai., Gutay,) can be created from a combination of letters Galuthia names?
There is evidence that the "memorial" from the tribes of Dan leave no traces in the form of geographical names, names of countries, rivers, etc. For example, Denmark. Dunabe-Dunaj.Dniepr. Donietsk, ... etc. At Jutland (Gutland what is read from the Hebrew Dżutland) Jutajowie lived. They settled also in England.There is Jiutaj town and found there name Gutai, China has a random name?
Gutaj also left traces as above. how old? I know in part, for sure more than 500 years. The name occurs more than 800 years in the pedigree and genealogical books of England and France. Name Gutaj is the oldest name among Germans Yugoslavian, and tzw.Donau-Schwabe (countries of the Danube), Gutay - the oldest among Saxonów and Normans - including those in England), and the nobility that comes from the Goths in the south of France with the prince of the Goths-inclusive Goitainem and the names of dozens of varieties of Gautier. In practice, constantly discovering new documents and information over the last 2000 years. All findings are consistent with the passed in various distant sources of knowledge, this method of checking the truth, I took the time to collect information. The truth of the Bible translation and the information contained therein is, in my opinion reliable source of historical knowledge, which is confirmed by various scientific studies including archaeological sites.
I have a book in which the genealogical author with the title of dr. argues that all of us as Poles in our 1000 year history, conajmiej one common ancestor. Using the mathematical formula for calculating appropriate mathematical sequences calculated that if it was 1000 years ago, two parents and he and she had two children and each of these children had only two children ... etc. -Is today after 1000 years (33 generations) of these parents, providing about 36 million. people. How does this apply to 2600 year history, which is mentioned in this report that is more than 80 generations, and with more children ..
Living several hundred years before Christ, David and Samolon had wives at about 1000 of which approximately 400 Jews and 600 from a forein tribe. How many today after 2800 years people comes from them in a line of male and female will leave the reader to assess.
One of my friends drew up his family tree back 300 years, it turned out to be related to all technical colleagues coming from his native village. My name Gutaj due to the fact that it is very old, found in over 30 nationalities. Among them are representatives of all major races and religion. We can assume with high probability that much of the representatives of these nations is derived from the various permutations of the family genealogy and other Gutaja can be recorded in history and as well as the Old Testament names.
How does this apply to the nonsense propounded by nationalists of various stripes will leave the assessment readers .I present key facts and documents that I obtained in various ways during the 11 years of searching, as to the veracity of which I have no doubt:
Year 150. For Scandinavia there are seven people were called Gutaj, as I described powyżej.Podstawą this description is research and online discussion two professors (from Sweden and Spain). Famous ancient historians on which they rely, and professors of the history of titles dealing with the issue of the Goths - authors of this information and do not raise my objections to their authenticity.
Year approximately 850 - 900th Gutej-champion of Buddhism .. Jadi or Judi).
Year 800-1200. History Gutay names in Normandy and England Saxons. Family coat of arms is an eloquent Gutay-lion in England, over the roof and top of the cap on the left and right side after a lion. Lion symbolized the house of Judah and the descendants of David, for example. Is not this a symbolic representation of the house with a combination of two houses (two (ancestral line) in one?. Such a combination, eg two lines in one family had the first of the rulers of Ireland-Heremon. Heremon was the grandson of Pharaoh, married a princess - one of the last living with two sisters of the house of David. Pharaoh had ancestry with roots in Israel. Lions are an eloquent symbol of the coats of the oldest aristocratic English and French. In correspondence with a descendant of Jews from Spain by the name of galut (Galuthia) got the information that was in the coat of arms lion and a red sleeve with mieczem.Najstarszy sign-symbol found in Ireland is a stylized Star of David. For all the issues raised have gathered source materials. Gutaj name occurred among the Norman-Saxon nobility in England and France. The name has changed along with the English language; today have dozens of variations of the name among the descendants scattered all over the world. Description is in the books of England pedigree and history of the Normans and Saxon’s.

1120 Year of Secret History Czingiz Khan-name occurs in family : Targutaj and Gutaj-bel. Nearby places where the story began, I found Czingiz-K han town called Gutaj. Czingiz han gathered around him several tribes of different origin, had around him a very wise counselors with outstanding wiedzy.Stworzenie great empire was the work of their art of war, their wisdom and umiętnosci governance. According to some theory of the descendants of Judah are disciplined warriors, builders, managers, people are brave, consistent. All nations of the ancestors of this line have these features as the prevailing ..
 Yer 1200- 1300 invasions MongolIn the spring of 1241, the armies of Batu Khan crossed into Hungary at three separate points. The main Mongol force overwhelmed the king's army in the Sajó valley; Béla and the remnants of his troops escaped to make a last stand in Transdanubia. Two other Mongol armies invaded Transylvania. The first, led by Kadan, crossed the Radna Pass and laid siege to Radna, a prosperous mining town inhabited by Germans. Using the conquered Germans as an advance guard, the Mongols proceeded to devastate Beszterce, then Kolozsvár, where — according to contemporary reports — they slaughtered 'countless Hungarians'.[16]16. Századok, 1882, pp. 431-432 (cited from a manuscript in Paris). Bereft of defenders, Northern Transylvania was ravaged by the Mongols, who finally left the region by way of the Meszes Pass to join up with Batu's main force in the Great Plain. The other Mongol army, led by Bogutaj, entered Transylvania through the Ojtoz Pass, the {1-443.} traditional route taken by eastern invaders. The Mongols prevailed over the Transylvanian army and killed its commander, the voivode Pósa, then pressed on down the Olt valley into the heart of the region. Küküllővár, Nagyszeben, and Gyulafehérvár fell in quick succession; the invaders moved westward along the Maros, crushing all resistance and bringing death and destruction to villages and towns. Meanwhile, a detachment, led by Bedzsak, crossed the Szeret River and conquered the land of the western, Christianized Cumanians; fifteen years of painstaking work by the Hungarian state and Church to develop this region were swept away by the Mongol invasion.
Year 1250 and earlier to about 600 Gutaj name among the nobility Norman-Saxon in England and France. The name has changed along with the English language; today occurs several varieties of this name among the descendants scattered all over the world. Description can be found in the breed history of England and the Normans and Saxon’s.
From the year 600 to the present name from Goitaine, Gautier Goitier, Guth, Guti, Goth. Goti Gotaj Gati,  Gautiaj ... in the history of the aristocracy of southern France.
Year around 1420 Gutaje-aristocratic surname in Malta. Nowadays, there is now the name of the name Gutajar, Lithuania Gutajtis, Italy Gutaini, lists of Jews and inne.W Gutajner Abravanela published autobiography rabbi at the University of Madrid, the author refers to - "Maestro de la Gutaj" (he lived about 1500 )
About 1 500 years-town Gutaj and Kohan at Zabajkalu in Buryatia. In the town were conducted by American scientists and Russian folklore studies. I got information from them that the village has a conajmiej 500 years and was inhabited by some tribes Buriaków and Turkish. At the same time in Japan, art group was founded by the famous Taoist Gutaj that works artistically to the present day geographical names: Gutai Sinzalai Ghar-up in Pakistaniem Gutai-Shan mountains in China, Gutay, Gutai, Gutaj-place in the Buryat population of Zabajkalu, Bahk-Gutai mountains in Pakistan, Gutai-channel in Slovakia, Gutai Sinzai Kar-up in Pakistan. etc ... Each of these provisions requires a separate study to determine the origin and history of the origin of these names.
Ok. 1730 Family Gutaj-Budapest.
1745 Gutaj  in Gerona Spain
Ok. Ferdinand Gutaj 1845-my great-grandfather was born. In Pernau (in Wels, Austria, now or in Bavaria.)
Basil Gutaj-my grandfather was born. K. In 1891 Tarnawa Dobromil-now in Ukraine, not far from Przemysl. His sister Maria (Gerl) and Anna (Kurc) married for the Germans and went to Germany before the war. Anna is listed pedigree tzw.galicjan-germanium).
Requires a thorough examination I discovered last year an interesting triangle on the atlas of Asia (Mongolia, the Gobi desert. Buryatia). The first side of the triangle counts of about 1472 km on it and exactly on a straight line is in / in town just Gutaj, then, Gaoan, Gaotaj, Jiutaj District Changchung-Gutian, Galut. The other side of the triangle leads to the south desert Gobi, and is also 1472 km. If these names were created 500 years ago, it was not so accurate when measuring methods. As has been measured and determined?, Or is it so many coincidences, which may be in the triangle? . It is worth emphasizing that these were also areas Czingizhana early history. Is there something hidden? Subject requires detailed research. A striking fact is striving to reach in that direction Viking boat (coming from ready), who searched for something. Several years ago I found the name Gutai -Jiutaj near the village among the Chinese has just the Changchung (Secretary parti in a car factory). Gutai name is probably also in other parts of Chin.Główne 3 lines and found family names are: Rosh Galuta. Uthai (Gutaj) Gaon, Jutaj, Is in comparison with those names do not see the amazing similarity in names. ?.
I found the name of the town Gutai (Gutaj-Gutay) in Iran, and the name Gutai mountains and passes in Romania geographical names in Buryatia, Zabajkalu, Buryatia Slovakia, Hungary, China, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Russia. This word occurs in the oldest languages ​​and linguistic research: Indo-Germanic languages, Hebrew, Irish, English, Syrian Caucasus -germanic and others. In the course of the expansion of online resources, more and more new facts history fills the missing card ready (Gutaj’s as well). The case is the development and virtually every month find new facts. Already have a lot of contacts on Skype with Gutaj’s in Europe but my and their limited language capabilities hamper the exchange of information.

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Spellings & Pronunciations

We don't have any alternate spellings or pronunciation information on the Gutaj name. Have information to share?

Nationality & Ethnicity

Albania, Serbia, Croatia. slovakay, Hungary. Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Germany,Austria, France, England, Chiny, Turky, Switzerland, USA, Filipiny, ...

Famous People named Gutaj

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Early Gutajs

These are the earliest records we have of the Gutaj family.

Maria Gutaj was born on August 6, 1894, and died at age 95 years old on June 13, 1990. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Maria Gutaj.

Gutaj Family Photos

There are currently no family photos associated to the Gutaj family.


Gutaj Family Tree

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Updated Gutaj Biographies

Julian Gutaj of Connecticut was born on July 10, 1895, and died at age 68 years old in November 1963.
Maria Gutaj was born on August 6, 1894, and died at age 95 years old on June 13, 1990. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Maria Gutaj.
Walter Gutaj of Norwich, New London County, CT was born on January 2, 1940, and died at age 59 years old on December 19, 1999.

Popular Gutaj Biographies

Julian Gutaj of Connecticut was born on July 10, 1895, and died at age 68 years old in November 1963.
Maria Gutaj was born on August 6, 1894, and died at age 95 years old on June 13, 1990. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Maria Gutaj.
Walter Gutaj of Norwich, New London County, CT was born on January 2, 1940, and died at age 59 years old on December 19, 1999.

Gutaj Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Gutaj family member is 74.0 years old according to our database of 3 people with the last name Gutaj that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

74.0 years

Oldest Gutajs

These are the longest-lived members of the Gutaj family on AncientFaces.

Maria Gutaj was born on August 6, 1894, and died at age 95 years old on June 13, 1990. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Maria Gutaj.
95 years
Julian Gutaj of Connecticut was born on July 10, 1895, and died at age 68 years old in November 1963.
68 years
Walter Gutaj of Norwich, New London County, CT was born on January 2, 1940, and died at age 59 years old on December 19, 1999.
59 years

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W Izraelu występuje nazwisko Gutait na Litwie Gutajtis we Włoszech Gutaini w Europie w archiwach wśród Żydów Gutaj Gutay Gutai Gutej Gutajner Gotajner i inne ..
Najstarszy zapis nazwiska Gutaj licząc od tyłu w latach współczesnych to Stephan Gutaj ur 1674 r Dunajska Strefa Austro-Węgry co zapisano w księgach synagogalnych W tym rejonie również w tych księgach zapisano odmiany tego nazwiska Gutay Gutej Gutai.Na Malcie z kolei zapisano linie genealogiczną nazwiska Gutaje pochodzących z Omanu oraz w ocalałych z pożaru dokumentach nazwisko policjanta o nazwisku Gutaj lub Gutajar pochodzenia żydowskiego.

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