Kelley Family History & Genealogy
Kelley Last Name History & Origin
First found in Southwest Ireland
My father was Charles William Kelley born in 1912. He and his sister were orphans and raised by a Catholic orphanage in Boston Mass. He served 34 years in the military retiring as a Colonel. Charles passed away in 1999 leaving behind a son and two granchildren.
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Spellings & Pronunciations
Kelly O-Kelly
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Kelley Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Kelley family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 53,960 people with the last name Kelley that have a birth and death date listed.
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I would love to know more about my family, the Kelley’s, but unfortunately, my information of them dead-ends at my great-grandfather, Richard J. Kelley, as his parents died at an early age and he was subsequently raised by an uncle (McDonald, I think, possibly Angus McDonald) who was a professor at Georgia Tech. I can't seem to find any Georgia Tech records that go back beyond 1899. Richard was born June 8,1880 (I don't know where) and died May 27,1918 somewhere near Itta Bena, Swiftown, or Belzoni, Mississippi, and is buried in Belzoni, Mississippi. If you have any information about Richard's parents or his uncle that taught at Georgia Tech in the 1880's or 1890's, please let me know via an email with "Richard Kelley" in the subject line at: [contact link]. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the "supposedly true" story.
Aaron W. Hawkins
[contact link]