
Kielhamer Family History & Genealogy

2 biographies and photos with the Kielhamer last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Kielhamer family members.

Kielhamer Last Name History & Origin



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Name Origin

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Early Kielhamers

These are the earliest records we have of the Kielhamer family.

Harry's father was Michael "Mike" Kielhamer, born in Germany 1888, and his mother was Willimina Clara Faupel, born in Wisconsin, 1895 - 1987. He had sibling Ellen, born in 1913. In the 1920 census, Harry was age 6 and living with his parents and sister, age 7, in Bellingham WA. He wasn't in school. His father was an iron moulder in a foundry. In the 1930 census, the family was living in Anacortes WA. Father Mike was a laborer at a lumber mill and mother Mary was the proprietress of a beauty shop. In the 1940 census, Harry must have been in the service. He was living in Alameda CA, he was single, and he was a radioman 2nd class. On his WW2 draft card, he stated that he was living in San Bruno CA, was 33, Mrs Donna Green, his sister-in-law, was his next of kind, and that he was a veteran, discharge on 1/28/1947. He was 160 lbs, 5 ft 9 inches, had a ruddy complexion, brown hair, and eye color was "other". In the 1948 city directory for San Francisco CA, Harry was listed as a repairman. Harry married Barbara Elaine Ford, 1923 - 1955, and they had 2 children. Barbara Ford was later convicted of the robbery and murder of an elderly widow, along with 2 accomplices, and executed in San Quentin Prison on June 3, 1955. The press nicknamed her "Bloody Babs". Susan Hayward later played her in a movie: "I want to live" and Hayward won an Academy Award for her performance. According to Wikipedia: "Released from reform school in 1939, Graham tried to make a new start for herself. She married Harry Kielhamer (1913–1993), a U.S. Coast Guardsman, in 1940, and enrolled in a business college and soon had her first two children. The marriage was not a success, and by 1942, she was divorced. Harry Kielhamer was awarded custody of their two sons. Over the next several years, she was married twice more, but each of these attempts at a more traditional lifestyle failed"

Kielhamer Family Photos

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Kielhamer Family Tree

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Updated Kielhamer Biographies

Harry's father was Michael "Mike" Kielhamer, born in Germany 1888, and his mother was Willimina Clara Faupel, born in Wisconsin, 1895 - 1987. He had sibling Ellen, born in 1913. In the 1920 census, Harry was age 6 and living with his parents and sister, age 7, in Bellingham WA. He wasn't in school. His father was an iron moulder in a foundry. In the 1930 census, the family was living in Anacortes WA. Father Mike was a laborer at a lumber mill and mother Mary was the proprietress of a beauty shop. In the 1940 census, Harry must have been in the service. He was living in Alameda CA, he was single, and he was a radioman 2nd class. On his WW2 draft card, he stated that he was living in San Bruno CA, was 33, Mrs Donna Green, his sister-in-law, was his next of kind, and that he was a veteran, discharge on 1/28/1947. He was 160 lbs, 5 ft 9 inches, had a ruddy complexion, brown hair, and eye color was "other". In the 1948 city directory for San Francisco CA, Harry was listed as a repairman. Harry married Barbara Elaine Ford, 1923 - 1955, and they had 2 children. Barbara Ford was later convicted of the robbery and murder of an elderly widow, along with 2 accomplices, and executed in San Quentin Prison on June 3, 1955. The press nicknamed her "Bloody Babs". Susan Hayward later played her in a movie: "I want to live" and Hayward won an Academy Award for her performance. According to Wikipedia: "Released from reform school in 1939, Graham tried to make a new start for herself. She married Harry Kielhamer (1913–1993), a U.S. Coast Guardsman, in 1940, and enrolled in a business college and soon had her first two children. The marriage was not a success, and by 1942, she was divorced. Harry Kielhamer was awarded custody of their two sons. Over the next several years, she was married twice more, but each of these attempts at a more traditional lifestyle failed"
William A Kielhamer was born on July 1, 1940, and died at age 61 years old on October 2, 2001. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember William A Kielhamer.

Popular Kielhamer Biographies

Harry's father was Michael "Mike" Kielhamer, born in Germany 1888, and his mother was Willimina Clara Faupel, born in Wisconsin, 1895 - 1987. He had sibling Ellen, born in 1913. In the 1920 census, Harry was age 6 and living with his parents and sister, age 7, in Bellingham WA. He wasn't in school. His father was an iron moulder in a foundry. In the 1930 census, the family was living in Anacortes WA. Father Mike was a laborer at a lumber mill and mother Mary was the proprietress of a beauty shop. In the 1940 census, Harry must have been in the service. He was living in Alameda CA, he was single, and he was a radioman 2nd class. On his WW2 draft card, he stated that he was living in San Bruno CA, was 33, Mrs Donna Green, his sister-in-law, was his next of kind, and that he was a veteran, discharge on 1/28/1947. He was 160 lbs, 5 ft 9 inches, had a ruddy complexion, brown hair, and eye color was "other". In the 1948 city directory for San Francisco CA, Harry was listed as a repairman. Harry married Barbara Elaine Ford, 1923 - 1955, and they had 2 children. Barbara Ford was later convicted of the robbery and murder of an elderly widow, along with 2 accomplices, and executed in San Quentin Prison on June 3, 1955. The press nicknamed her "Bloody Babs". Susan Hayward later played her in a movie: "I want to live" and Hayward won an Academy Award for her performance. According to Wikipedia: "Released from reform school in 1939, Graham tried to make a new start for herself. She married Harry Kielhamer (1913–1993), a U.S. Coast Guardsman, in 1940, and enrolled in a business college and soon had her first two children. The marriage was not a success, and by 1942, she was divorced. Harry Kielhamer was awarded custody of their two sons. Over the next several years, she was married twice more, but each of these attempts at a more traditional lifestyle failed"
William A Kielhamer was born on July 1, 1940, and died at age 61 years old on October 2, 2001. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember William A Kielhamer.

Kielhamer Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Kielhamer family member is 70.0 years old according to our database of 2 people with the last name Kielhamer that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

70.0 years

Oldest Kielhamers

These are the longest-lived members of the Kielhamer family on AncientFaces.

Harry's father was Michael "Mike" Kielhamer, born in Germany 1888, and his mother was Willimina Clara Faupel, born in Wisconsin, 1895 - 1987. He had sibling Ellen, born in 1913. In the 1920 census, Harry was age 6 and living with his parents and sister, age 7, in Bellingham WA. He wasn't in school. His father was an iron moulder in a foundry. In the 1930 census, the family was living in Anacortes WA. Father Mike was a laborer at a lumber mill and mother Mary was the proprietress of a beauty shop. In the 1940 census, Harry must have been in the service. He was living in Alameda CA, he was single, and he was a radioman 2nd class. On his WW2 draft card, he stated that he was living in San Bruno CA, was 33, Mrs Donna Green, his sister-in-law, was his next of kind, and that he was a veteran, discharge on 1/28/1947. He was 160 lbs, 5 ft 9 inches, had a ruddy complexion, brown hair, and eye color was "other". In the 1948 city directory for San Francisco CA, Harry was listed as a repairman. Harry married Barbara Elaine Ford, 1923 - 1955, and they had 2 children. Barbara Ford was later convicted of the robbery and murder of an elderly widow, along with 2 accomplices, and executed in San Quentin Prison on June 3, 1955. The press nicknamed her "Bloody Babs". Susan Hayward later played her in a movie: "I want to live" and Hayward won an Academy Award for her performance. According to Wikipedia: "Released from reform school in 1939, Graham tried to make a new start for herself. She married Harry Kielhamer (1913–1993), a U.S. Coast Guardsman, in 1940, and enrolled in a business college and soon had her first two children. The marriage was not a success, and by 1942, she was divorced. Harry Kielhamer was awarded custody of their two sons. Over the next several years, she was married twice more, but each of these attempts at a more traditional lifestyle failed"
80 years
William A Kielhamer was born on July 1, 1940, and died at age 61 years old on October 2, 2001. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember William A Kielhamer.
61 years

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