Kitchen Family History & Genealogy
Kitchen Last Name History & Origin
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Name Origin
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Early Kitchens
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Kitchen Family Members
Kitchen Family Photos
Discover Kitchen family photos shared by the community. These photos contain people and places related to the Kitchen last name.

Franklin Wooster Bruner, Cora Helen (Bruner) Bailey, Franklin Calvin Bruner, and Margaret Belle Bruner.
People in photo include: Nettie Belle (Kitchen) Bruner, Franklin Wooster Bruner, Cora Helen (Bruner) Bailey, Franklin Calvin Bruner, Margaret Belle Bruner, and Margaret Belle Bruner

He thought he would work all year and not go back to school.
Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress, Hine, Lewis Wickes, photographer

Pictured: Benjamin Neff, Basketball Coach; Claude Kitchen, Crew, Swimming, Tennis Coach; Elmer Harris, Varsity Track; Michel Voyne, Baseball, Golf Coach

People in photo include: Phyllis Gilliam, Roger Kitchen, Vencil Branham, Logan Sloas, John Sloas, Dale Branham, Calvin Gilliam, Jaley Adkins, Francis Kay Addington, Helen Oliver, Sue Williams, Millie Marie Lewis, Nancy Mason, Phyllis Oliver, Jewell B. Skaggs, Carrie L. Addington, Carl Kitchen, Donald Kitchen, Walter Kitchen, Jim Sloas, Bill Lewis, Willard Lewis, Acie Adkins, Willis Oliver, Wendell Barker, Bessie Mason, Dexie Lewis, Geneva Branham, and James Robert Kitchen

People in photo include: Darlene Kitchen
Kitchen Family Tree
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Kitchen Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Kitchen family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 5,067 people with the last name Kitchen that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Kitchens
These are the longest-lived members of the Kitchen family on AncientFaces.

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