
Kollmeyer Family History & Genealogy

154 biographies and photos with the Kollmeyer last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Kollmeyer family members.

Kollmeyer Last Name History & Origin



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Early Kollmeyers

These are the earliest records we have of the Kollmeyer family.

Rose Kollmeyer of Quincy, Adams County, IL was born on March 8, 1874, and died at age 92 years old on September 15, 1966.
Hilda Kollmeyer of Saint Louis, Saint Louis County, MO was born on September 8, 1877, and died at age 88 years old on July 15, 1966.
William Kollmeyer of Hayward, Alameda County, California was born on November 7, 1879, and died at age 89 years old in October 1969.
Henry Kollmeyer of Ceres, Stanislaus County, California was born on December 19, 1879, and died at age 93 years old in January 1973.
Fred Kollmeyer of Creighton, Henry County, Missouri was born on October 17, 1880, and died at age 93 years old in February 1974.
Dora L Kollmeyer of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA was born on June 10, 1881, and died at age 88 years old on January 15, 1970.
Mary Kollmeyer of Twin Falls, Twin Falls County, ID was born on December 31, 1882, and died at age 83 years old on September 15, 1966.
Rosa Kollmeyer of Roslindale, Suffolk County, MA was born on October 21, 1882, and died at age 96 years old in December 1978.
Mary Kollmeyer of Effingham, Effingham County, Illinois was born on January 12, 1882, and died at age 86 years old in December 1968.
Fred Kollmeyer of Farmington, Saint Francois County, Missouri was born on February 25, 1884, and died at age 91 years old in March 1975.
Emma Kollmeyer of Indiana was born on August 23, 1885, and died at age 76 years old in July 1962.
Gus Kollmeyer of Marshfield, Webster County, Missouri was born on September 26, 1885, and died at age 85 years old in August 1971.

Kollmeyer Family Members

Adelia Kollmeyer (Dec 16, 1893 - Mar 1983) Alice Kollmeyer (Aug 12, 1911 - Apr 8, 2003) Alleda Kollmeyer (Mar 2, 1890 - Feb 1969) Anna Kollmeyer (Mar 27, 1920 - Nov 27, 2010) Antoinette Kollmeyer (Nov 27, 1889 - Aug 1982) Arthur Kollmeyer August Kollmeyer (Nov 11, 1914 - May 25, 2009) Bernard Kollmeyer (Jan 23, 1918 - Aug 11, 1994) Betty Jean Kollmeyer (May 7, 1929 - May 3, 1993) Carl Kollmeyer Cecilia Kollmeyer (Mar 4, 1912 - Apr 21, 2002) Charles Kollmeyer Chester Kollmeyer (Sep 24, 1918 - May 21, 1996) Clara Kollmeyer (Dec 29, 1893 - Nov 1977) Clemens Kollmeyer (Dec 3, 1910 - Feb 8, 1997) Cleona Kollmeyer (Nov 10, 1920 - Jan 13, 2008) David Kollmeyer (Sep 6, 1939 - Apr 1973) Donald Kollmeyer (Apr 29, 1927 - Dec 26, 1985) Dora Kollmeyer (Jun 10, 1881 - Jan 15, 1970) Doris Kollmeyer Dorothea Kollmeyer (Jan 27, 1905 - Sep 29, 1998) Edna Kollmeyer (Feb 21, 1922 - Oct 26, 2009) Edward Kollmeyer (Nov 27, 1922 - Jun 10, 2011) Edwin Kollmeyer (Oct 6, 1914 - Sep 22, 1996) Elburn Kollmeyer (Oct 6, 1928 - Nov 20, 2002) Elizabeth Kollmeyer (Feb 13, 1888 - Nov 1973) Ellis Kollmeyer (Nov 18, 1927 - Jan 19, 1993) Elmer Kollmeyer (Jun 19, 1920 - Oct 25, 1981) Emily Kollmeyer (Nov 17, 1908 - Jul 2, 1998) Emma Kollmeyer Emory Kollmeyer (Sep 30, 1916 - May 13, 2001) Erwin Kollmeyer (Aug 16, 1909 - Mar 10, 1995) Ethel Kollmeyer Eugene Kollmeyer (Mar 21, 1919 - Mar 14, 2004) Eunice Kollmeyer (Jan 7, 1925 - Feb 7, 2002) Evelyn Kollmeyer (May 8, 1915 - Mar 5, 1997) Flora Kollmeyer (Oct 20, 1892 - Mar 1978) Frank Kollmeyer (Jul 6, 1898 - Sep 1984) Fred Kollmeyer Frederick Kollmeyer (Nov 7, 1915 - May 27, 1996) Frieda Kollmeyer George Kollmeyer (Feb 12, 1890 - Aug 1966) Grace Kollmeyer (Dec 15, 1917 - Nov 19, 2000) Gus Kollmeyer (Sep 26, 1885 - Aug 1971) Halbert Kollmeyer (Aug 31, 1895 - Dec 1983) Harold Kollmeyer Harriet Kollmeyer (Jul 12, 1916 - Jan 16, 2005) Harry Kollmeyer (Oct 21, 1918 - Jan 1986) Hazel Kollmeyer (Sep 18, 1916 - Dec 26, 1994) Heinrich Kollmeyer (Apr 27, 1908 - Aug 14, 1994) Helen Kollmeyer Henry Kollmeyer Herman Kollmeyer Hilda Kollmeyer (Sep 8, 1877 - Jul 15, 1966) Homer Kollmeyer (Feb 21, 1926 - Dec 27, 2007)
Hugo Kollmeyer (Nov 10, 1909 - Jul 10, 1999) Ida Kollmeyer (Apr 16, 1921 - Jul 13, 1989) Ilse Kollmeyer (Apr 20, 1915 - Aug 18, 2000) Jack Kollmeyer (Jul 3, 1899 - Aug 11, 1995) James Kollmeyer Jasper Kollmeyer (Aug 26, 1923 - Nov 14, 2001) John Kollmeyer Joseph Kollmeyer (Mar 2, 1889 - Jun 1973) Juanita Kollmeyer (Oct 1, 1919 - Jul 18, 2004) Julia Kollmeyer (Jun 26, 1920 - May 17, 2003) Julius Kollmeyer (Jul 21, 1906 - Jan 1976) Kathryn Kollmeyer (Sep 7, 1906 - Feb 1986) Keith Kollmeyer Kenneth Kollmeyer Kevin Kollmeyer (May 11, 1979 - Jul 25, 2004) Leo Kollmeyer (Aug 26, 1914 - Oct 17, 2006) Leona Kollmeyer (May 13, 1909 - May 1982) Lorena Kollmeyer (Dec 1, 1910 - Dec 1973) Louise Kollmeyer Lucille Kollmeyer (Dec 10, 1919 - Jun 14, 1991) Margaret Kollmeyer Marguerite Kollmeyer (Dec 10, 1904 - Mar 1982) Maria Kollmeyer (Sep 14, 1887 - Oct 1982) Marie Kollmeyer (Aug 9, 1942 - Jul 25, 2010) Mary Kollmeyer Michael Kollmeyer (Oct 30, 1949 - Aug 3, 2010) Mildred Kollmeyer (Jul 29, 1920 - Feb 1972) Myrile Kollmeyer (Jul 14, 1894 - Sep 1986) Myrtle Kollmeyer (Jun 24, 1909 - May 1994) Nellie Kollmeyer (Jan 28, 1915 - Sep 1998) Nettie Kollmeyer (Jul 27, 1913 - Jun 12, 1995) Norma Kollmeyer Orville Kollmeyer (Feb 22, 1911 - Mar 7, 1998) Ralph Kollmeyer (Jul 14, 1922 - Oct 14, 2007) Raymond Kollmeyer (Nov 3, 1902 - May 17, 1995) Rebecca Kollmeyer (Aug 6, 1886 - Nov 1971) Regina Kollmeyer (Nov 16, 1915 - Apr 28, 1995) Rita Kollmeyer (Mar 24, 1930 - Oct 1984) Robert Kollmeyer Rosa Kollmeyer (Oct 21, 1882 - Dec 1978) Rosalia Kollmeyer (Jul 10, 1894 - Jul 1986) Rose Kollmeyer (Mar 8, 1874 - Sep 15, 1966) Roy Kollmeyer (Apr 6, 1921 - Jun 20, 2004) Ruth Kollmeyer (Nov 14, 1923 - Aug 25, 1997) Sallie Kollmeyer (Nov 7, 1898 - Sep 1980) Sharon Kollmeyer (Feb 18, 1949 - Feb 26, 2001) Thelma Kollmeyer (Feb 8, 1924 - Apr 12, 2003) Theodore Kollmeyer (Oct 30, 1906 - Nov 8, 1989) Tom Kollmeyer (Sep 22, 1919 - Jul 27, 1992) Victor Kollmeyer (Jan 19, 1918 - Jul 1977) Walter Kollmeyer Wilbur Kollmeyer (Jan 15, 1909 - Oct 21, 1994) Willa Kollmeyer (Jul 12, 1898 - Feb 22, 2000) William Kollmeyer Willy Kollmeyer (Mar 1, 1912 - Nov 14, 2005)

Kollmeyer Family Photos

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Kollmeyer Family Tree

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Most Common First Names

Updated Kollmeyer Biographies

Keith H Kollmeyer of Fountain Valley, Orange County, California was born on August 14, 1920, and died at age 63 years old in February 1984.
Chester B Kollmeyer of Bismarck, Saint Francois County, MO was born on September 24, 1918, and died at age 77 years old on May 21, 1996.
Kenneth C Kollmeyer of Belleville, Saint Clair County, IL was born on May 14, 1913, and died at age 97 years old on March 24, 2011.
Homer M Kollmeyer of Jasper, Jasper County, MO was born on February 21, 1926, and died at age 81 years old on December 27, 2007.
Ralph W Kollmeyer of Springfield, Greene County, MO was born on July 14, 1922, and died at age 85 years old on October 14, 2007. Ralph Kollmeyer was buried at Missouri Veterans Cemetery / Springfield Section G Row 21 Site 1140 5201 South Southwood, in Springfield.
Hugo A Kollmeyer of Effingham, Effingham County, IL was born on November 10, 1909, and died at age 89 years old on July 10, 1999.
Julius Kollmeyer of Saint Louis, Saint Louis County, Missouri was born on July 21, 1906 in Danzig or Germany, and died at age 69 years old in January 1976.
Ellis C Kollmeyer of Farmington, Saint Francois County, MO was born on November 18, 1927, and died at age 65 years old on January 19, 1993.
Dorothea S Kollmeyer of Hyattsville, Prince Georges County, MD was born on January 27, 1905, and died at age 93 years old on September 29, 1998. Dorothea Kollmeyer was buried at Quantico National Cemetery Section 1 Site 7576 18424 Joplin Road (route 619), in Triangle, Va.
Herman Frank Kollmeyer Jr of Honolulu, Honolulu County, HI was born on June 28, 1921, and died at age 85 years old on November 10, 2006. Herman Kollmeyer was buried at National Memorial Cemetery Of The Pacific Section C10-J Row 200 Site 228 2177 Puowaina Drive, in Honolulu.
Roy A Kollmeyer was born on April 6, 1921, and died at age 83 years old on June 20, 2004. Roy Kollmeyer was buried at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery Section 1-O Site 103 2900 Sheridan Road, in St. Louis, Mo. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Roy A Kollmeyer.
John C Kollmeyer of Wichita, Sedgwick County, KS was born on March 30, 1913, and died at age 63 years old on December 5, 1976. John Kollmeyer was buried at Ft. Leavenworth National Cemetery Section Q Site 593 in Fort Leavenworth.
Betty Jean Jean Kollmeyer of Collegeville, Montgomery County, PA was born on May 7, 1929, and died at age 63 years old on May 3, 1993. Betty Jean Kollmeyer was buried at Indiantown Gap National Cemetery Section 9-A Site 799 Rr2, Box 484 - Indiantown Gap Road, in Annville.
Carl Kollmeyer was born on February 5, 1938, and died at age 30 years old on May 5, 1968. Carl Kollmeyer was buried at Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery Section Q Site 1155 P.o. Box 6237, in San Diego, Ca. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Carl Kollmeyer.
Gus Kollmeyer of Marshfield, Webster County, Missouri was born on September 26, 1885, and died at age 85 years old in August 1971.
Robert Herman Kollmeyer of Washington, District of Columbia County, District Of Columbia was born on October 11, 1918, and died at age 88 years old on June 25, 2007.
William Kollmeyer of Florida was born on March 18, 1894, and died at age 85 years old in December 1979.
Herman Kollmeyer of Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia was born on April 2, 1898, and died at age 86 years old in January 1985.
Keith Odgen Kollmeyer of Hawaii was born on February 7, 1954, and died at age 56 years old on March 26, 2010.
John Kollmeyer of Salem, Marion County, California was born on September 16, 1916, and died at age 68 years old in December 1984.

Popular Kollmeyer Biographies

Theodore W Kollmeyer of Farmington, Saint Francois County, MO was born on October 30, 1906, and died at age 83 years old on November 8, 1989.
Doris L Kollmeyer of Cadillac, Wexford County, MI was born on August 8, 1925, and died at age 78 years old on February 16, 2004.
Alleda Kollmeyer of Farmington, Saint Francois County, Missouri was born on March 2, 1890, and died at age 79 years old in February 1969.
Emily Kollmeyer of Farmington, Saint Francois County, MO was born on November 17, 1908, and died at age 89 years old on July 2, 1998.
Tom R Kollmeyer of Fairmount, Vermilion County, IL was born on September 22, 1919, and died at age 72 years old on July 27, 1992.
Edwin J Kollmeyer of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, MN was born on October 6, 1914, and died at age 81 years old on September 22, 1996.
Erwin J Kollmeyer of Springfield, Greene County, MO was born on August 16, 1909, and died at age 85 years old on March 10, 1995.
Juanita Kollmeyer of Jasper, Jasper County, MO was born on October 1, 1919, and died at age 84 years old on July 18, 2004.
Cleona M Kollmeyer of Carthage, Jasper County, MO was born on November 10, 1920, and died at age 87 years old on January 13, 2008.
Herman Kollmeyer of Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia was born on April 2, 1898, and died at age 86 years old in January 1985.
Myrile Kollmeyer of Farmington, Saint Francois County, Missouri was born on July 14, 1894, and died at age 92 years old in September 1986.
Joseph Kollmeyer of Buhl, Twin Falls County, Idaho was born on March 2, 1889, and died at age 84 years old in June 1973.
Henry Kollmeyer of Ceres, Stanislaus County, California was born on December 19, 1879, and died at age 93 years old in January 1973.
Harold W Kollmeyer of East Lansing, Ingham County, MI was born on July 19, 1919, and died at age 79 years old on January 13, 1999.
John A Kollmeyer was born on April 25, 1953, and died at age 53 years old on June 21, 2006. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John A Kollmeyer.
Sharon L Kollmeyer was born on February 18, 1949, and died at age 52 years old on February 26, 2001. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Sharon L Kollmeyer.
Arthur T Kollmeyer of Pinellas Park, Pinellas County, FL was born on July 8, 1923, and died at age 79 years old on December 23, 2002.
Frederick H Kollmeyer was born on November 7, 1915, and died at age 80 years old on May 27, 1996. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Frederick H Kollmeyer.
Bernard H Kollmeyer of Ceres, Stanislaus County, CA was born on January 23, 1918, and died at age 76 years old on August 11, 1994.
Doris Lee Kollmeyer of Enid, Garfield County, OK was born on August 28, 1927, and died at age 68 years old on July 14, 1996.

Kollmeyer Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Kollmeyer family member is 78.0 years old according to our database of 154 people with the last name Kollmeyer that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

78.0 years

Oldest Kollmeyers

These are the longest-lived members of the Kollmeyer family on AncientFaces.

Willa M Kollmeyer of Farmington, Saint Francois County, MO was born on July 12, 1898, and died at age 101 years old on February 22, 2000.
101 years
Kenneth C Kollmeyer of Belleville, Saint Clair County, IL was born on May 14, 1913, and died at age 97 years old on March 24, 2011.
97 years
Rosa Kollmeyer of Roslindale, Suffolk County, MA was born on October 21, 1882, and died at age 96 years old in December 1978.
96 years
Jack Kollmeyer of Laguna Hills, Orange County, CA was born on July 3, 1899, and died at age 96 years old on August 11, 1995.
96 years
Maria Kollmeyer of Lockwood, Dade County, Missouri was born on September 14, 1887, and died at age 95 years old in October 1982.
95 years
August Kollmeyer of Riverton, Fremont County, WY was born on November 11, 1914, and died at age 94 years old on May 25, 2009.
94 years
Henry Kollmeyer of Ceres, Stanislaus County, California was born on December 19, 1879, and died at age 93 years old in January 1973.
93 years
Fred Kollmeyer of Creighton, Henry County, Missouri was born on October 17, 1880, and died at age 93 years old in February 1974.
93 years
Dorothea S Kollmeyer of Hyattsville, Prince Georges County, MD was born on January 27, 1905, and died at age 93 years old on September 29, 1998. Dorothea Kollmeyer was buried at Quantico National Cemetery Section 1 Site 7576 18424 Joplin Road (route 619), in Triangle, Va.
93 years
Antoinette Kollmeyer of Ceres, Stanislaus County, California was born on November 27, 1889, and died at age 92 years old in August 1982.
92 years
Raymond P Kollmeyer of Farmington, Saint Francois County, MO was born on November 3, 1902, and died at age 92 years old on May 17, 1995.
92 years
Willy Kollmeyer of Mariposa, Mariposa County, California was born on March 1, 1912, and died at age 93 years old on November 14, 2005.
93 years

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