
Pershall Family History & Genealogy

236 biographies and 1 photos with the Pershall last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Pershall family members.

Pershall Last Name History & Origin



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Early Pershalls

These are the earliest records we have of the Pershall family.

Hiram Pershall of Brighton, Macoupin County, Illinois was born on July 25, 1882, and died at age 83 years old in March 1966.
Vida Pershall of Sandy, Clackamas County, Oregon was born on February 2, 1883, and died at age 87 years old in August 1970.
Ival Pershall of Chico, Butte County, California was born on September 30, 1884, and died at age 83 years old in May 1968.
Ida Pershall of Arco, Butte County, Idaho was born on March 7, 1884, and died at age 81 years old in January 1966.
Avery Pershall of Eureka, Lincoln County, Montana was born on December 4, 1885, and died at age 99 years old in September 1985.
John Pershall of Arco, Butte County, Idaho was born on September 22, 1885, and died at age 81 years old in May 1967.
Claire Pershall of Wilsall, Park County, Montana was born on July 14, 1886, and died at age 87 years old in November 1973.
Edward Pershall of Missouri was born on August 17, 1887, and died at age 78 years old in January 1966.
Ernest Pershall of Shasta Lake, Shasta County, California was born on May 20, 1887, and died at age 82 years old in July 1969.
Everett Pershall
Everett Pershall of Pawnee, Pawnee County, Oklahoma was born on September 27, 1887, and died at age 82 years old in February 1970.
Hallie Pershall of Baker City, Baker County, Oregon was born on January 15, 1887, and died at age 93 years old in October 1980.
Guy Pershall of Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma was born on August 13, 1891, and died at age 77 years old in December 1968.

Pershall Family Photos

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Pershall Family Tree

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Updated Pershall Biographies

Everett Pershall
Everett Pershall of Pawnee, Pawnee County, Oklahoma was born on September 27, 1887, and died at age 82 years old in February 1970.
James Lynn Pershall of Houston, Harris County, TX was born on February 13, 1951, and died at age 54 years old on September 27, 2005. James Pershall was buried at Houston National Cemetery Section C-6 Row B Site 74 10410 Veterans Memorial Drive, in Houston.
Edgar J Pershall of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio was born on December 6, 1919, and died at age 65 years old in April 1985.
David R Pershall of Texas was born on February 7, 1951, and died at age 60 years old on May 14, 2011.
Samie Pershall of Prairie Grove, Washington County, AR was born on June 29, 1917, and died at age 87 years old on February 6, 2005.
Theodore W Pershall of Eldon, Miller County, MO was born on April 3, 1914, and died at age 85 years old on September 18, 1999.
Bennett E Pershall of Ford, Stevens County, WA was born on November 6, 1906, and died at age 95 years old on March 25, 2002.
Bruce D Pershall of Harris County, TX was born circa 1955. He married June L. (White) Pershall on May 19, 1973 in Harris County, TX. He married Tammy L. (Roush) Pershall on April 18, 1981 in Harris County and they later separated on August 5, 1988. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Bruce D. Pershall.
James Weldon Pershall of West Fork, Washington County, AR was born on March 20, 1930, and died at age 79 years old on October 31, 2009. James Pershall was buried at Fayetteville National Cemetery Section 30A Site 201 700 Government Avenue, in Fayetteville.
Howard Benjamin Pershall of Onalaska, Lewis County, WA was born on December 10, 1915, and died at age 91 years old on August 17, 2007. Howard Pershall was buried at Tahoma National Cemetery Section L Row B Site 69 18600 Se 240th St, in Kent.
John Euing Pershall of Bettendorf, Scott County, IA was born on August 21, 1930, and died at age 71 years old on August 31, 2001. John Pershall was buried at Rock Island National Cemetery Section Z Site 475 Bldg 118 - Rock Island Arsenal, in Rock Island, Il.
Donna Lee Pershall of Bettendorf, Scott County, IA was born on April 15, 1935, and died at age 66 years old on August 16, 2001. Donna Pershall was buried at Rock Island National Cemetery Section Z Site 475 Bldg 118 - Rock Island Arsenal, in Rock Island, Il.
Yvonne Pershall of Minooka, Grundy County, IL was born on November 15, 1941, and died at age 69 years old on June 20, 2011. Yvonne Pershall was buried at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery Section 5 Site 1881 20953 West Hoff Road, in Elwood.
Carolyn E Pershall of Shelton, Mason County, WA was born on July 30, 1917, and died at age 85 years old on October 14, 2002. Carolyn Pershall was buried at Tahoma National Cemetery Section L Row B Site 69 18600 Se 240th St, in Kent.
Mary A Pershall of Eagle Point, Jackson County, OR was born on January 4, 1923, and died at age 69 years old on October 28, 1992. Mary Pershall was buried at Eagle Point National Cemetery Section A Site 517A 2763 Riley Road, in Eagle Point.
Bobby Dean Pershall of McMinnville, Yamhill County, OR was born on December 3, 1925, and died at age 85 years old on April 21, 2011. Bobby Pershall was buried at Willamette National Cemetery Section COL-5 Row 360 Site B 11800 Se Mt. Scott Boulevard, in Portland.
Arthur Pershall was born on March 17, 1915, and died at age 57 years old on January 27, 1973. Arthur Pershall was buried at Houston National Cemetery Section E Site 1856 10410 Veterans Memorial Drive, in Houston, Tx. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Arthur Pershall.
Larry W Pershall of Waller County, TX was born circa 1972. Larry Pershall was married to Tracy P. (Prosser) Pershall on September 14, 1996 in Waller County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Larry W. Pershall.
Tracy P Pershall of TX was born circa 1973. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Tracy P. (Prosser) Pershall.
Danny E Pershall of Gray County, TX was born circa 1951. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Danny E. Pershall.

Popular Pershall Biographies

Billy J Pershall of El Dorado, Butler County, KS was born on January 9, 1926, and died at age 75 years old on June 16, 2001.
Elvin Pershall was born on July 18, 1910, and died at age 56 years old in July 1966. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Elvin Pershall.
Amanda P Pershall of Iola, Allen County, KS was born on January 9, 1920, and died at age 83 years old on October 26, 2003.
Howard Benjamin Pershall of Onalaska, Lewis County, WA was born on December 10, 1915, and died at age 91 years old on August 17, 2007. Howard Pershall was buried at Tahoma National Cemetery Section L Row B Site 69 18600 Se 240th St, in Kent.
Kathlene Pershall of Harris County, TX was born circa 1961. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Kathlene (Jackson) Pershall.
Rebecca J Pershall of San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA was born on March 19, 1954, and died at age 51 years old on July 11, 2005.
Katie Pershall of Lincoln, Washington County, Arkansas was born on August 3, 1909, and died at age 71 years old in March 1981.
Eric A Pershall of Tarrant County, TX was born circa 1988. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Eric A. Pershall.
Hattie M Pershall of Haines, Haines County, AK was born on December 30, 1906, and died at age 87 years old on July 15, 1994.
Logan J Pershall was born on September 26, 1894, and died at age 82 years old on February 22, 1977. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Logan J Pershall.
Guy Pershall of Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma was born on August 13, 1891, and died at age 77 years old in December 1968.
Michael Pershall of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, Texas was born on December 5, 1969, and died at age 40 years old on March 9, 2010.
Claire Pershall of Wilsall, Park County, Montana was born on July 14, 1886, and died at age 87 years old in November 1973.
Avery J Pershall of Sacramento, Sacramento County, CA was born on October 22, 1914, and died at age 80 years old on September 22, 1995.
George Pershall of Aptos, Santa Cruz County, California was born on July 16, 1916, and died at age 66 years old in October 1982.
Clyde Pershall of Houston, Harris County, Texas was born on June 17, 1908, and died at age 74 years old in December 1982.
Ethel Pershall of Saint Louis, Saint Louis City County, Missouri was born on February 25, 1893, and died at age 92 years old in November 1985.
Tessie E Pershall of Green Valley, Pima County, AZ was born on January 10, 1918, and died at age 85 years old on March 13, 2003.
Lucy Ann Pershall of Chico, Butte County, California was born on May 10, 1941, and died at age 66 years old on March 23, 2008.
Floyd Pershall of Snyder, Kiowa County, Oklahoma was born on July 16, 1901, and died at age 84 years old in April 1986.

Pershall Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Pershall family member is 75.0 years old according to our database of 174 people with the last name Pershall that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

75.0 years

Oldest Pershalls

These are the longest-lived members of the Pershall family on AncientFaces.

Ray Pershall of Marsing, Owyhee County, ID was born on October 18, 1899, and died at age 102 years old on December 27, 2001.
102 years
Avery Pershall of Eureka, Lincoln County, Montana was born on December 4, 1885, and died at age 99 years old in September 1985.
99 years
Bennett E Pershall of Ford, Stevens County, WA was born on November 6, 1906, and died at age 95 years old on March 25, 2002.
95 years
Lillian M Pershall of Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, WA was born on April 16, 1897, and died at age 95 years old in January 1993.
95 years
Thelma E Pershall of Wenatchee, Chelan County, WA was born on April 8, 1908, and died at age 94 years old on March 1, 2003.
94 years
Etta A Pershall of Redding, Shasta County, CA was born on December 9, 1895, and died at age 93 years old on September 4, 1989.
93 years
Ruby I Pershall of Arlington, Tarrant County, TX was born on June 7, 1910, and died at age 92 years old on February 28, 2003.
92 years
Hallie Pershall of Baker City, Baker County, Oregon was born on January 15, 1887, and died at age 93 years old in October 1980.
93 years
Mary S Pershall of Eureka, Lincoln County, Montana was born on November 17, 1917, and died at age 92 years old on January 25, 2010.
92 years
Ethel Pershall of Saint Louis, Saint Louis City County, Missouri was born on February 25, 1893, and died at age 92 years old in November 1985.
92 years
Esther Pershall of White Sulphur Springs, Meagher County, Montana was born on April 2, 1893, and died at age 92 years old in November 1985.
92 years
Howard Benjamin Pershall of Onalaska, Lewis County, WA was born on December 10, 1915, and died at age 91 years old on August 17, 2007. Howard Pershall was buried at Tahoma National Cemetery Section L Row B Site 69 18600 Se 240th St, in Kent.
91 years

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