Pryor Family History & Genealogy
Pryor Last Name History & Origin
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Name Origin
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Spellings & Pronunciations
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Nationality & Ethnicity
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Famous People named Pryor
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Early Pryors
These are the earliest records we have of the Pryor family.
Pryor Family Members
Pryor Family Photos
Discover Pryor family photos shared by the community. These photos contain people and places related to the Pryor last name.
For any whose surnames I could not find, if you know them, I would be grateful to be told.. thank you.
People in photo include: Melvon Pryor, Lesa Hamilton, Patti Altergott, Alice Steadman, Dawn Danzer, Nancy Allen, Danny Anderson, Leslie Vantine, Mark Stratton, Rita Britts, Susan Prudente, Joanne Yamamoto, Cathy Varcoe, Patti Kratz, Kenny Brown, Marcie Young, Darlene Tolette, Lynn Allameni, and Kelly Haight
This photo came from the "Forester" - a yearbook published in 1965 by Evergreen High School in Seattle Washington, USA.
People in photo include: K. Pryor
How can I return this photo to the Pryor family?
People in photo include: Elsie Venus (Case) Pryor
People in photo include: Annie Marie Pryor and Charlie Salmon
Pryor Family Tree
Discover the most common names, oldest records and life expectancy of people with the last name Pryor.
Updated Pryor Biographies
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Pryor Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Pryor family member is 71.0 years old according to our database of 10,270 people with the last name Pryor that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Pryors
These are the longest-lived members of the Pryor family on AncientFaces.
Other Pryor Records
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