Sanford Family History & Genealogy
Sanford Last Name History & Origin
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Sanford Family Photos
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Taken about 1954 in Houston Texas, back left to right Jimmy, Vernon Sanford, Virgil sr. Billy Joe, Bobby Clyde, Ernest . middle left to right, Virgil Jr, Tommy. Seated adult women left to right Gladys Rea Englishbee (mother) Jessie Zuckaro Englishbee, Dixie Englishbee Sanford, Donnie Mae Englishbee, Cleta Brennamen Englshbee, Polly Englishbee, Patricia Reed Englishbee.
People in photo include: Jimmy Englishbee, Vernon Sanford Englishbee, Virgil Englishbee Sr., Billy Joe Englishbee, Bobby Clyde Englishbee, Ernest Englishbee, Virgil Englishbee Jr., Tommy Englishbee, Gladys Rea Englishbee, Jessie (Zuckaro) Englishbee, Dixie (Englishbee) Sanford, Donnie Mae Englishbee, Cleta (Brennamen) Englshbee, Polly Englishbee, and Patricia Reed
People in photo include: Harlow G. Ahlstrom, John Andersch, James L. Burton, Marilyn Diehl, Arthur K. Ehle, Jr, Kenneth Fletcher, Kenneth Fletcher, Laurabelle Huser, Bernice Johnson, Reynold Morris, Roy Sanford, Harlow G. Ahlstrom, John Andersch, James L. Burton, Marilyn Diehl, Arthur K. Ehle, Jr, Kenneth Fletcher, Laurabelle Huser, Bernice Johnson, Reynold Morris, and Roy Sanford
People in photo include: Corrinne Metzger, Mary Tully, Bertha Meyer, Laura Reininger, Albert Crossley, Edna Ward, Carl Wycoff, Ruth E. Sanford, Cecilia Joachin, Albert Lervin?, Elsie Servert , Frank (R or N) Smith, Eva DuBois, Adele Kauffman, Fred Yawger, Valentine Howell, Lillian Roche, Charles Weller , and Ruth Fleet.
People in photo include: Tank Sanford and Jail Sanford
B: July 17, 1917
Buried: Evergreen Cemetery Woodville, Mississippi / Wilkinson County
Aunt Mary mounted deer heads, fish or whatever needed mounting. She was the best...
She did not have any children but helped raise her brothers kids. She had (5) brothers.
People in photo include: Helen Marion Sanford
People in photo include: Eliza Sanford Munroe
Sanford Family Tree
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Sanford Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Sanford family member is 72.0 years old according to our database of 13,793 people with the last name Sanford that have a birth and death date listed.
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Oldest Sanfords
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