Savitt Family History & Genealogy
Savitt Last Name History & Origin
The Savitt surname is a shortened version of the name Savitzky (also spelled Savitsky, Sawitzky, Sawitsky) other varients of the name are Savit, Savitz, Savits. This name is found chiefly with East European Jews. It is derived from the Polish name of Sawiczky (Sawicky). This name means "son of Sawa". Sawa is a town in Poland that lies 31km (19 miles) southeast of the city of Krakow. Other versions of Sawa (Sawic, Sawicz, Sawica, Sawicze). Sawa comes from the Aramaic word for "old man".
The Savitt/Savitzky surname belongs chiefly to Jews of East European heritage. Savitt maybe also be a shortened version of other similar East European Jewish surnames names. It was common practice for Jews who emigrated from Europe to the US to "Americanize" their last names. Savitt is a common Americanized version of Savitzky and its varients. The different spellings of Savitzky are do to the fact that the named was written in Yiddish which uses the Hebrew alphabet. The transliteration to the English alphabet created the various spellings. The Savitt surname is a shortened version of the name Savitzky (also spelled Savitsky, Sawitzky, Sawitsky) other varients of the name are Savit, Savitz, Savits. This name is found chiefly with East European Jews. It is derived from the Polish name of Sawiczky (Sawicky). This name means "son of Sawa". Sawa is a town in Poland that lies 31km (19 miles) southeast of the city of Krakow. Other versions of Sawa (Sawic, Sawicz, Sawica, Sawicze). Sawa comes from the Aramaic word for "old man".
Name Origin
Savitzky (and its varients) means someone from the city of Sawa, Poland. It literally means "Son of Sawa". Sawa is the Aramaic word for an old man. A common name in Israel today is Shavit. Shavit means shooting star.
Spellings & Pronunciations
See summary
Nationality & Ethnicity
Although the name comes from a Polish city, people with the name Savitzky (and its varients) were found all over Eastern Europe. Jewish
Famous People named Savitt
Dick Savitt (tennis professional active in the 1950's).
Early Savitts
These are the earliest records we have of the Savitt family.
Savitt Family Photos
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Savitt Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Savitt family member is 76.0 years old according to our database of 227 people with the last name Savitt that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Savitts
These are the longest-lived members of the Savitt family on AncientFaces.
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