Fred Halkett
About me:
Sadly, Fred Halkett passed away in December, 2006. Fred was a good friend to genealogy and very proud of his own family history. While you will no longer be able to contact him for further information, his submissions and his Family Space will be available for research. The AncientFaces family misses Fred - our thoughts and prayers are with you.
About my family:
I haven't shared details about my family.
Updated: December 22, 2002
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Feb 10, 2017 4:36 PM
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Neighborhood (Greenwood Avenue) Kids on Coach
L-R: Bob Allen, Skip Purvis, George Allen, Arthur Purvis, Don Allen, Joseph Thomas (on the roof), Winifred Allen and Carol Schmitt (riding inside the coach). The photo was taken around 1928 at the top of Greenwood Avenue hill, Madison, NJ, in front of the Lowell Armstrong home. Mrs. Armstrong and her sister are on the sctreened-in-porch.
People in photo include: Bob Allen, Skip Purvis, Arthur Purvis, Don Allen, Joseph Thomas, Winifred Allen, and Carol Schmitt
People in photo include: Bob Allen, Skip Purvis, Arthur Purvis, Don Allen, Joseph Thomas, Winifred Allen, and Carol Schmitt
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Pitfirrane Goblet
In 1603 King James VI presented to Sir Robert Halkett, of Pitfirrane, a splendid piece of Venetian glass before he left Scotland to become King of England.
The gift of the Pitfirrane goblet, along with a gold ring, the rights to mining local coal reserves, and other grants of land, was an indication of the esteem in which the recently knighted landowner was held by the King.
The goblet was reported to have the magic property of being able to detect poisons, changing colors when it came in contact with any dubious substance.
Both the ring and the Pitfirrrane goblet are preserved in the Royal Museum of Scotland. They are regarded as the rarest survivors from the last days of Dunfermline's prominence as the capital of Scotland.
A replica of the intricately worked goblet was made at in Perth by Calthness Glass for the Abbot House Heritage Center in Dunfermline.
In the 1994 photo are the Deputy Managing Director of Calthness Glass, Mr. Colin Terris (left) and Mr. Franco Tolffolo, Senior Glassmaker at Calthnee (right), who is a fifth generation of a Ventian glass blowing family.
The gift of the Pitfirrane goblet, along with a gold ring, the rights to mining local coal reserves, and other grants of land, was an indication of the esteem in which the recently knighted landowner was held by the King.
The goblet was reported to have the magic property of being able to detect poisons, changing colors when it came in contact with any dubious substance.
Both the ring and the Pitfirrrane goblet are preserved in the Royal Museum of Scotland. They are regarded as the rarest survivors from the last days of Dunfermline's prominence as the capital of Scotland.
A replica of the intricately worked goblet was made at in Perth by Calthness Glass for the Abbot House Heritage Center in Dunfermline.
In the 1994 photo are the Deputy Managing Director of Calthness Glass, Mr. Colin Terris (left) and Mr. Franco Tolffolo, Senior Glassmaker at Calthnee (right), who is a fifth generation of a Ventian glass blowing family.
Recent Comments
Fred Halkett
Dec 01, 2002 12:00 AM
Fred Halkett
Dec 01, 2002 12:00 AM
Fred Halkett
Dec 01, 2002 12:00 AM
Fred Halkett
Dec 01, 2002 12:00 AM
Fred Halkett
Dec 01, 2002 12:00 AM
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Jean-Edouard Halkett was born in 1719, and died at age 47 years old in 1766. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jean-Edouard "John" Halkett.

Randy Inge died in 2001. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Randy Inge.

Teddy Halkett died in 1942. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Teddy Halkett.

Barn in Kennott Square, Pennsylvania
Watercolor painting by Fred Halkett - Asheville, North Carolina in the 1900s.

Neighborhood (Greenwood Avenue) Kids
LR: Perry Eshelman, Portine, Alfred, ?, Larry & Don Allen. Front row: ?, Denny Dewman, Ruth Ann Peckham.

Up High - Barbara Allen
At 6 months Barbara gets to see what's about as her Father, Bob Allen, lifts her high.

Sir Charles Halkett
General Sir Charles Halkett (1683-1758) Lt General in the Dutch Army. Wounded at Ramilies
(Belgium) in 1706. In 1781 was made Governor of Namur, Belguim. In 1752 received a baronship - Baron de Petferren.
(Belgium) in 1706. In 1781 was made Governor of Namur, Belguim. In 1752 received a baronship - Baron de Petferren.

Gravestone - Lady Katherine Halkett
2nd wife of HBC director John Wedderburn Halkett. She was Lady Katherine Douglas, sister of Thomas Douglas, the Earl of Selkirk. Husband John also buried here - St. Peter's, Petersham, near Richmond, Surry, England.