
Our forefathers fought for a principle - there is no...

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Our forefathers fought for a principle - there is no...
Illustration shows two scenes, at top left is "The Spirit of '76" showing a family about to sit down to tea, as boxes of tea are visible, through a window in the back of the room, floating in Boston Harbor. The father, who has just entered, states: "Away with that tea or you're no daughter of mine! Not a drop in this house until the hateful tax is taken off!" At bottom right is "The Spiritless 1907" showing a family sitting at the dinner table where the grandfather is about to carve the beef, he states: "Ain't it a shame the prices they charge for beef. But we've got to have it, Trust or no Trust." At the bottom left, disgruntled patrons exit a "Market", counting their change.
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