
Roy Graham Lilley

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Roy Graham Lilley
A photo of Roy Graham Lilley. The title of the newspaper clipping is "Gets B.E. Medal from King."
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Roy Graham Lilley
Roy was a Sargent of the 1st Hussars R.C.A.C, He was mortally wounded during operation Tractable in the later stage of The Battle of Normandy. As his division closing in on German forces one of the German tanks drew a bead on Roy's tank. Sending a 50mm round into his tank. As Roy lay barley alive, he had one last job to do. The turrent's hatch was blocked by the tanks long barrel and the gunner was trapped.Roy managed to swing the turrent around so the gunner could escape. After which Roy surcomed to his injuries.
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Clint Lilley
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