
People named Stamford Collins

Below are 2 people with the first name Stamford and the last name Collins. Try the Collins Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.

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2 Stamford Collins Biographies

Stamford W Collins of Port Orange, Volusia County, FL was born on July 17, 1906, and died at age 88 years old on February 11, 1995.
Stamford R Collins of Oak Harbor, Island County, WA was born on May 24, 1927, and died at age 80 years old on December 13, 2007.
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Stevenson Collins (Jul 24, 1945 - Mar 19, 2007) Stevie Collins Steward Collins (Jul 20, 1875 - Jan 1964) Stewart Collins Stiles Collins Stocia Collins (Jun 17, 1889 - Feb 1985) Stoke Collins (Oct 22, 1912 - Jan 23, 1993) Stokes Collins (Apr 7, 1897 - Mar 1981) Stonewall Collins Stoney Collins Storia Collins (Jun 12, 1894 - Apr 1982) Stormie Collins (Born c. 1966) Story Collins (Jul 21, 1893 - Mar 1967) Stowell Collins (Jul 25, 1904 - Aug 1977) Strawder Collins (Jul 30, 1900 - Jan 9, 1989) Streaby Collins Strody Collins (Dec 18, 1890 - Apr 1967) Strother Collins (Aug 21, 1944 - Jul 25, 2008) Stuart Collins Sturgis Collins (Jul 1, 1913 - Sep 1979) Sturley Collins (Mar 19, 1906 - Mar 1975) Su Collins (Dec 24, 1957 - Jul 2, 2002) Suann Collins (Born c. 1978) Subrena Collins (Mar 31, 1958 - Apr 21, 2011) Subrina Collins (Born c. 1967) Sudia Collins Sudie Collins Sue Collins Suessa Collins (Jul 21, 1943 - Aug 7, 2010) Suezan Collins (Born c. 1956) Sula Collins Sulamita Collins (Mar 30, 1899 - Jan 4, 2000) Sullivan Collins (Dec 4, 1895 - May 1986) Sultana Collins (Jul 23, 1917 - Jul 6, 1990) Summer Collins (Born c. 1984) Sumner Collins Sundra Collins (Born c. 1949) Sunie Collins (Sep 12, 1889 - Sep 1985) Sunnie Collins (Mar 12, 1944 - May 3, 2006) Sunny Collins Sunye Collins (Born c. 1951) Supanee Collins (Born c. 1964) Surena Collins (Nov 29, 1926 - Dec 26, 2006) Surilla Collins (Apr 6, 1889 - Jan 15, 1971) Surlia Collins (Born c. 1918) Surrie Collins (Jan 7, 1917 - Mar 1990) Surry Collins (Mar 15, 1905 - May 1976) Susan Collins Susana Collins (May 21, 1916 - Sep 1994) Susann Collins (Born c. 1953)
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