A photo of Herman Eugene Talmadge

Herman Eugene Talmadge 1913 - 2002

Herman Eugene Talmadge of Hampton, Henry County, GA was born on August 9, 1913 in McRae-Helena, Telfair County, and died at age 88 years old on March 21, 2002 in Hampton, Henry County.
Herman Eugene Talmadge
Hampton, Henry County, GA 30228
August 9, 1913
McRae-Helena, Telfair County, Georgia, United States
March 21, 2002
Hampton, Henry County, Georgia, 30228, United States
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Herman Eugene Talmadge's History: 1913 - 2002

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  • Introduction

    As governor between 1948 and 1954, using a creative financing mechanism similar to Gov. Roy Barnes' current transportation funding plan, more than 1,000 schools were built and 1,000 one-room schools were closed. Talmadge established the Highway Board, ostensibly to bring order and reduce the politics of roads, and instituted competitive bidding, hired professional engineers and gave them Merit System protecton. By the time he left office, Georgia had paved or planned for 12,800 miles of roads. In the U.S. Senate, he became a powerhouse in the Southern tradition: Stay there, work hard, gain power, and transfer Yankee wealth south. Southerners of the working class, until recent times, always have felt slightly inferior. Our schools, our jobs, our farms, our economic opportunities were always inadequate. Our accents wherever we went betrayed us, revealing our disadvantages and, we suspected, our inferiority. The Hollywood Tobacco Road stereotype confirmed it. But then came Watergate and U.S. Sen. Herman Talmadge and Committee Chairman Sam Ervin. There for all the world to see was lawyerly brilliance in Southern voice, intellectually quick, astute, incisive, marvelously Southern. Before Jimmy Carter, there was Herman Talmadge. No doubt in my mind, Talmadge and Ervin made the Carter presidency possible. Most Georgians never knew Talmadge. He outlived himself. But to those who have come from the swamps and hills and piney woods of Georgia, Talmadge was us. Whatever his successes, faults or shortcomings, he was us.
  • 08/9


    August 9, 1913
    McRae-Helena, Telfair County, Georgia United States
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    He was the only son of Eugene Talmadge and his wife, Mattie (Thurmond) and through his mother, he was a second cousin of South Carolina Senator and 1948 Dixiecrat Presidential Candidate Strom Thurmond.
  • Early Life & Education

    Herman attended public schools in Telfair County until his senior year of high school when his family moved to Atlanta and he enrolled at Druid Hills High School, graduating in 1931. In the fall of 1931, he entered the University of Georgia for his undergraduate degree and was a member of the Demosthenian Literary Society and Sigma Nu fraternity. After completing his undergraduate studies, Talmadge enrolled in the University of Georgia School of Law. Talmadge received his law degree in 1936 and joined his father's law practice.
  • Military Service

    When World War II broke out, Talmadge volunteered to serve in the United States Navy. Talmadge served as an ensign with the Sixth Naval District at Charleston, SC and with the Third Naval District in New York after graduating from midshipman's school at Northwestern University. In 1942, Talmadge participated in the invasion of Guadalcanal aboard the USS Tyron. He served as flag secretary to the commandant of naval forces in New Zealand from June 1943 to April 1944 and then as executive officer of the USS Dauphin. Talmadge participated in the battle of Okinawa and he was present in Tokyo Bay for the Japanese surrender. He attained rank of lieutenant commander and was discharged in November 1945.
  • Professional Career

    After his service in World War II, Talmadge returned to his home in Lovejoy, Georgia. While continuing to practice law and to farm, Talmadge took over publishing his father's weekly newspaper, The Statesman, and started a ham-curing business.
  • Personal Life & Family

    Mr. Talmadge is survived by his thirdwife, Lynda Cowert Talmadge of Hampton; a son, Herman Eugene Talmadge of Lovejoy, Ga,; a stepson, David Pierce of Brunswick, Ga.; nine grandchildren and a great-grandchild.
  • 03/21


    March 21, 2002
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Hampton, Henry County, Georgia 30228, United States
    Death location
  • Obituary

    Herman Talmadge, Georgia Senator and Governor, Dies at 88 By Adam Clymer March 22, 2002 Former Senator Herman E. Talmadge, an old-fashioned Southern populist who built schools as governor of Georgia and then called for stopping desegregation by closing them, died today at his Hampton, Ga., home. He was 88. Mr. Talmadge, a Democrat who was elected governor twice, lost his bid for a fifth term in the Senate in 1980 when he could not keep up with changes in the Georgia electorate and in political standards in Washington. Like his father, Eugene Talmadge, a three-term governor who boasted that he never carried a county with a streetcar line, Herman Talmadge concentrated on rural areas. As he wrote in ''Talmadge,'' his 1987 autobiography, ''The farmers had supported me in every race I ever ran, including the last one, but there just weren't enough of them left.'' He was swamped in the Atlanta area by Mack Mattingly, the first Republican to win a Georgia Senate seat since Reconstruction. Mr. Mattingly enjoyed strong support from black voters, whose leaders recalled that when Mr. Talmadge first ran for the Senate in 1956 he proclaimed ''God advocates segregation.'' His defeat was made possible by a messy divorce in 1978, a public bout with alcoholism in 1979 and a Senate ethics investigation of a sort that would never have happened when he was first elected. The Senate voted in 1979 to denounce him for ''reprehensible'' official finances -- padding of his expense accounts. Before the troubles of his final term, he was a quiet but important member of the Senate, overshadowed for some years by Richard B. Russell, Georgia's senior senator until his death in 1971, and then to a degree by Senator Russell B. Long of Louisiana, whom he ranked just behind on the Finance Committee. Mr. Talmadge was not a colorful orator like many other Southerners, but he chewed tobacco and was probably the last senator to use a spittoon while presiding over the Senate. As chairman of the Agriculture Committee, he pushed through the Rural Development Act of 1972 to promote jobs and infrastructure in rural areas. He also helped expand the food stamp and school lunch programs. That was consistent with his record as governor from 1948 to 1955, said Charles S. Bullock III, a University of Georgia political scientist. ''There was a populist streak,'' Mr. Bullock said. ''He built more schools and roads than most governors.'' Mr. Talmadge could afford that spending because he got the Legislature to pass a sales tax after campaigning against it. While he denounced the 1954 Supreme Court decision on school desegregation -- saying ''there aren't enough troops in the whole United States to make the white people of this state send their children to school with colored children'' -- he also saw to it that black teachers' salaries were made equal to those of whites, a step for which there was no political support. Senator Zell Miller, whom Mr. Talmadge defeated in a bitter runoff for the Democratic nomination in 1980, told the Senate today that Mr. Talmadge ''was Georgia's greatest governor of the 20th century.'' Herman Eugene Talmadge was born on Aug. 9, 1913, the son of Eugene Talmadge and Mattie Thurmond Talmadge. He grew up on a farm and graduated from the University of Georgia in 1936. He entered the Navy as an ensign in 1941 and was discharged in 1945 as a lieutenant commander. In 1947, Mr. Talmadge served as governor for 67 days, though the Georgia Supreme Court would later rule he had not been the actual governor. He had taken over after his father, a strident racist, died after being re-elected in 1946, but before being sworn in. The son, who ran his father's campaign, devised a strategy to have the Legislature make him governor. Under the state Constitution, the Legislature could choose between the top two candidates if neither had a majority. The younger Mr. Talmadge got into the running by producing several hundred write-in votes, many with obvious irregularities, and the Legislature voted to make him governor. That period was known as the time of the three governors in Georgia: Herman Talmadge; Ellis Arnall, the outgoing governor who refused to leave; and M. E. Thompson, who had been elected lieutenant governor and claimed he was Eugene Talmadge's rightful successor. The State Supreme Court agreed, making Mr. Thompson governor until a special election in 1948, which Mr. Talmadge won. He won a full four-year term in 1950. In the Senate, he was known for the un-senatorial behavior of starting his committee meetings on time. He was also chosen for membership on the seven-member special Senate committee that investigated the Watergate scandal. Samuel Dash, the committee's chief counsel, said today, ''His questioning was among the best.'' One of his best-known exchanges was with John D. Ehrlichman, a top Nixon aide. Mr. Ehrlichman was defending, on grounds of national security, his decision to order a break-in to obtain the psychiatric records of Daniel Ellsberg, who has said he gave The New York Times the secret Pentagon papers on the government's conduct of the Vietnam War. On July 25, 1973, Mr. Talmadge asked Mr. Ehrlichman, ''Do you remember when we were in law school we studied a famous principle of law that came from England and also is well known in this country, that no matter how humble a man's cottage is, that even the King of England cannot enter without his consent?'' Mr. Ehrlichman shot back, ''I am afraid that has been considerably eroded over the years, has it not?'' Mr. Talmadge got an ovation when he replied, ''Down in my country, we still think it is a pretty legitimate principle of law.'' One other major step Mr. Talmadge took in the Senate, recalled today in Atlanta as ''heroic'' by former President Jimmy Carter, was to vote for the Panama Canal treaties in 1978, which ceded control of the canal to Panamanian sovereignty. Mr. Carter said Mr. Talmadge acknowledged that the vote ''was almost politically suicidal.'' But, he said, the senator supported him as a fellow Georgian, and ''and because it was the right thing to do.'' Mr. Talmadge is survived by his wife, Lynda Cowert Talmadge of Hampton; a son, Herman Eugene Talmadge of Lovejoy, Ga,; a stepson, David Pierce of Brunswick, Ga.; nine grandchildren and a great-grandchild. One reason Mr. Talmadge never had a serious contest until 1980 was unfailing attention to constituents. A former aide, Daniel Tate, said today that Mr. Talmadge required ''every letter from Georgia had to be responded to or at least acknowledged within 24 hours of receipt.'' Mr. Tate, now a Washington lobbyist, recalled being reprimanded for getting behind on the mail. In defense, he said, ''Senator, the letters still on my desk really should not be answered at all. Each is from a nut.'' Mr. Talmadge replied: ''Every constituent, including those you think of as nuts, expects and deserves a response from his United States senator.'' Then the senator said, ''Just remember, nuts vote. And if you lose the nut vote, you'll lose the election.''
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7 Memories, Stories & Photos about Herman

Herman Talmadge as Senator.
Herman Talmadge as Senator.
Very nice to meet. I met him in Greenwich Village in Manhattan in the early 60;s.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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On the cover of Time Magazine.
On the cover of Time Magazine.
Senator Talmadege.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Senator Herman Eugene Talmadge
Senator Herman Eugene Talmadge
Restored by Amanda S. Stevenson. I only met him once but her left a lasting impression on me.
I said, "You must have known my father-in-law, General George Van Horn Moseley." (He lived at the Atlanta Biltmore Hotel.)
In a second, he replied, "You must be Jimmy's wife." I was so impressed because my husband (at the time) had two brothers who were war heroes and better known. I passed this incident onto a young man in 1969 who aspired to be President as a lesson in the importance of remembering names if you wanted to a successful politician. The young guy was Bill Clinton.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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His statue is in Atlanta.
His statue is in Atlanta.
My ex-husband spent many summers with his father general George Van Horn Moseley who disinherited his son whom he considered a selfish brat.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Herman E. Talmadge
Herman E. Talmadge
Senator, Farmer, Governor, Lawyer, and Author.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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His autobiography.
His autobiography.
Got to get an autographed copy. (HA HA).
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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