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John A Lettice c. 1942

John A Lettice of Wisconsin United States was born circa November 1942 at Kenmore New York 2218 Sheridan Drive, in Kenmore, Erie County, NY Erie to John F Lettice and Dorothy Crawford. John Lettice has siblings James Lettice and Michael Lettice.
John A Lettice
Wisconsin in Wisconsin United States
circa November 1942
Kenmore New York 2218 Sheridan Drive, in Kenmore, Erie County, NY, 14223, Erie
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John A Lettice's History: circa 1942

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  • Introduction

    John is my oldest brother.I was born when he was an adult and got married to my sister in law Linda soon after I was born. I remember he and Linda had my nephew John Scott in 1966 at the same time my Grandma Lettice died in May 1966.I remember I looked up to my big brother John to me he was like a second daddy and I used to love going to visit him and Linda my sister in law at their house on Dodge road.I remember John and Linda had a beautiful dog Major a Golden Retriever the best dog and that my dad told me a hunter mistook major for a deer and shot him.That was so sad and still sticks in my mind today.I remember John loved race and sports cars and always had some kind of cool fast sporty car to take me on rides in.I remember he went to Hamburg NY Speedway and raced his sports cars. I was so young and don't remember hoe He did or for how long he raced cars but I remember how cool I thought it was and wanted to be like my big brother and get my own sports car when I grew up big enough to drive.I remember my brother John and Linda got divorced and this really made me sad cuz Linda was like my big sister and like a mom to me cuz my mom was sick in hospital and Linda acted like mom to me and I loved her so much.John moved to California after he and Linda divorced and I was sad cuz I didn't get to see my big brother anymore except the few times he came home for visit.I remember when I became old enough I got to go see my big brother in California and stay and live with him and my youngest big brother Mike.That was the most awesome time and we all did so many fun things I'll never forget. I remember John and Mike who we called Mickey taught me how to water ski and we went to all these beautiful lakes in the mountains to camp and water ski.I remember my brothers John and Mickey had speed boats and how fun it was to take rides. After that time in California with my brothers I remember I loved it there and wanted to move there and be with them.I visited often as I got older and eventually moved there after graduating.I will never forget those times I spent with my big brothers John and Mickey in California.They were good times with memories to cherish.John moved to WI later in his life and I moved back to Buffalo then to Ga now Fl.I remember when John came to visit me with his New wife Sandy in buffalo and then in Ga and we always had a wonderful time and I looked so forward to seeing my big brother again. I'm sad that the last time I saw either of my brothers John or Mickey was in December 2002 after my mom passed away.I miss my brothers and pray for them everyday. I hate that time and life circumstances causes families to loose touch and it would mean everything if I could see my big brothers John and Mickey again and give them a big hug.They will always live in my heart and God willing we will see each other again.
  • 11/dd


    circa November 1942
    Kenmore New York 2218 Sheridan Drive, in Kenmore, Erie County, NY 14223, Erie
  • Early Life & Education

    Kenmore West Senior High Graduate Kenmore NY, Studied Design Engineering not sure where, Was great with race cars and mechanics.
  • Religious Beliefs

  • Military Service

    Not sure
  • Professional Career

    Know he worked with dad at Kenmore Designs my dad's business in Kenmore NY as designing Engineer, Know he was into auto mechanics and restoration and built raced race cars.I think He held a lot of different type Jobs and was very good carpenter handy man mechanic and in sure many other skills.He could build anything from house to a car .
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