A photo of Lillian M Meisenbach

Lillian M Meisenbach 1916 - 2000

Lillian M Meisenbach of Beatrice, Gage County, NE was born on June 19, 1916 in Wilber, Saline County, and died at age 83 years old on February 6, 2000 in Beatrice, Gage County. Lillian Meisenbach was buried at Wilber Czech Cemetery NE-41, in Wilber, Saline County.
Lillian M Meisenbach
Beatrice, Gage County, NE 68310
June 19, 1916
Wilber, Saline County, Nebraska, 68465, United States
February 6, 2000
Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska, 68310, United States
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Lillian M Meisenbach's History: 1916 - 2000

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  • Introduction

    Lillian M Meisenbach was born to James Pauel and Frances Hrdlicka in Wilber Salin, Nebraska. She had a sister Elsie Texel of Wahoo Nebraska who died in 1996. Lillian made numerous headlines when she went missing in 2000. See Beatrice woman is still missing, Police believe body found in ditch was Beatrice woman, and Woman died of gunshot to the head for a few of the more lengthy articles about her disappearance. It turned out that she was one of many soon-to-be victims in a series of Southeast Nebraska shootings. Her death was the first Beatrice homicide in eight years. There were five dead and two wounded in less than five months in Southeast Nebraska which killed a grandmother, a grandfather, mothers and fathers. One year later on February 8th 2001 the Fremont Tribune in Nebraska published a brief article saying that police still hoped to solve the (then) year-old killing. In 2002, the same paper ran a lengthier article saying that investigators were in "patient mode" having exhausted available leads. By this time investigators had interviewed over 400 people.
  • 06/19


    June 19, 1916
    Wilber, Saline County, Nebraska 68465, United States
  • Nationality & Locations

    Born in Wilber, she lived most of her life in Beatrice Nebraska.
  • Personal Life & Family

    Lillian was described as being mentally sharp and physically in great shape up until her disappearance in 2000. She was active in the Beatrice community playing bingo, women social activity clubs, and a member of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit (and the member of the month in July of 1991).
  • 02/6


    February 6, 2000
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska 68310, United States
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Wilber Czech Cemetery NE-41, in Wilber, Saline County, Nebraska 68465, United States
    Burial location
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5 Memories, Stories & Photos about Lillian

Lilliam Meisenbach
Lilliam Meisenbach
The photo of Lillian Meisenbach which appeared in the Lincoln Journal Star in Lincoln Nebraska on Saturday March 4th 2000.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Bingo Winner Lillian Meisenbach
Bingo Winner Lillian Meisenbach
Bingo winner Lillian Meisenbach pictued holding one of Beatrice Nebraska's first $100.00 Bing Bucks. This photo appeared in the Beatrice Daily Sun in Nebraska on Wednesday April 6th 1977.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Woman died of gunshot to the head
The following was written by Larry Peirce for the Lincoln Journal Star in Lincoln Nebraska which appeared on Saturday March 4th, 2000:

BEATRICE - Homicide victim Lillian Meisenbach died on or about Feb. 6 from a single gunshot to the head, investigators revealed Friday. Although lab reports are incomplete, "stain patterns" found in a 1993 Mercury Topaz she had rented and on her clothing appear to match, Gage County Attorney Dick Smith said Friday, pointing to the possibility she was killed in the car.

Despite the new revelations, investigators say they're no closer to making an arrest. "This is a long road. We are not on the verge of arresting anyone," said Beatrice Police Chief Bruce Lang. "I wouldn't say anybody has been cleared or (that) anybody has been put on the 'A' list." OFficers have talked to more than 200 people, and they hope more will come forward. On Friday, Crime Stoppers of Gage County increased its rewards from $11,000 to $12,700 for information leading to an arrest or the filing of criminal charges. An eight-person task force is meeting daily to discuss the investigation. State and federal authorities also have offered assistance.

Several people reported seeing the 83-year-old Meisenbach between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. Feb. 6 at Wal-Mart on the city's north edge. The next day, her son, Roger meisenbach, 58, of Kansas City, Mo., returned her rental car to a body shop, where it was being repaired. Also on Feb. 7, she missed a chiropractor's appointment, and police listed her as missing the next day.

On Feb. 9, investigators discovered blood in the rented Topaz. Roger Meisenbach told police he did not notice blood in the car's red interior when he drove it from her home to the body shop. He also told police he didn't see his mother. Lillian Meisenbach's body was found Feb. 24 in a creek bed next to a bridge on Birch Road, about 10 miles north of Wal-Mart.

Roger Meisenbach and an attorney came to the police station Thursday after his mother's funeral to sign legal documents so police could acquire additional evidence, Lang said. "He has been talked to and he has offered information," he said. "He's indicated to us he's concerned with finding who did this to his mother." Roger Meisenbach did not return phone calls Friday.

Police are withholding much of their information for fear of tipping off potential suspects, Smith said. For example, investigators have not recovered a murder weapon, but they know what kind of gun was used. "We know what type it is (and) at this point we think it would be counterproductive to release it," Smith said. According to search warrant affidavits, investigators gathered Lillian Meisenbach's financial documents from several Nebraska banks and obtained her telephone records.

Smith repeated a plea for people with any information - even if it appears minor, incomplete or otherwise - to come forward. "This is an 83-year-old mother," Smith said. "In our community this hits awful close to home. We need to find whoever did this and we need to do it as soon as we can."
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Police believe body found in ditch was Beatrice woman
The following was written by Larry Peirce and appeared in the Lincoln Journal Star in Lincoln, Nebraska on Friday February 25th 2000:

BEATRICE - Investigators are seeking answers in Lillian Meisenbach's death now that they are almost certain a body found Thursday morning in northern Gage County is hers. "Certainly this makes us even more concerned than we were," Beatrice Police CHief Bruce Lang said. "No doubt foul play was involved. Now we'll have more information."

Thursday, almost three weeks after the active, 83-year-old Beatrice woman was last seen, a man walking his dog and searching his property found an elderly woman's body. County Attorney Dick Smith said the body of a woman matching Meisenbach's age and stature was found chest down on the north side of a bridge on Birch Road, half a mile west of U.S. 77. The bridge is 13 miles north of Beatrice, at the bottom of a hill and barely visible from the highway.

Arnold Unbefunde, 56, who lives less than a mile southwest of the bridge, made the discovery about 10:30 a.m. He had decided to walk east, beyond his property on the minimum maintenance road. "I couldn't believe what I saw. I backed up and took a second look," he said.

The body was clad in tan slacks and a dark-colored jacket or sweater. One shoe was missing, Unbefunde said. A small stream, only a few inches deep, flowed nearby. "I was sure it was her," said Unbefunde, a former construction contractor. Investigators had asked landowners to search their properties for the missing woman, he said. "As the policemen said, it's good it's come to an end," Unbefunde said.

By 3 p.m. Thursday at team of investigators from the Gage County Sheriff's Office, Beatrice Police and the Nebraska State Patrol brought the body to the highway and transferred it to a van. An autopsy is scheduled today in Omaha, and dental records also will be used for identification.

The county road, muddied by an inch of rain this week, was barricaded Thursday after the body was found. Investigators also brought county road crews, which used a torch to remove a section of steel from the bridge. Earlier this week authorities had stepped up the search for Meisenbach. A Nebraska State Patrol helicopter helped with an aerial search, and reserve deputies marked out grids for ground searches. Searchers recently had scoured the road east of where the body was found and were about to start on the westside of the highway.

Sheriff Jerry DeWitt said the body would have been obscured from someone driving a car down the road, but a tractor or SUV driver might have seen it. Until this week the road had been dry and passable for months, Smith said. Smith declined to elaborate on the condition of the body, the suspected cause and time of death or how long it had been in the creek bed.

"Whoever did it knows how they did it," Smith said. "It will be brought up at some point." Chief Lang said he was reluctant to call the death a homicide until he saw reports from the autopsy. "Certainly something unnatural happened," Lang said.

Investigators announced Feb. 16 that a crime was likely in in Meisenbach's disappearance, saying a large amount of blood had been discovered Feb 9 in a 1993 Mercury Topaz she had rented while her car was being repaired. The blood was believed to be Meisenbach's, but test results have not been released.

The amount of blood found in the rental car indicated some kind of serious injury, according to police reports. If the body proves to be Meisenbach's, it will aid in tests on the blood found in the Topaz. Meisenbach's son, Roger Meisenbach, 58, of Kansas City, MO., has told police that he returned the rental car to Ron's Body Shop Feb 7 but that his mother wasn't at her north Beatrice home when he returned her car. He also told police he didn't notice the blood in the Topaz, which had a red interior that made the blood hard to spot.

Meisenbach's chiropractor told police Feb. 9 that she had missed an appointment the previous day. Police described the woman as mentally sharp and energetic. Despite a knee replacement last fall, she was still active. Police said Meisenbach's home, 1415 N. 11th St., showed no signs of a disturbance.

Smith said Beatrice police had identified a handful of suspects in the case, but he declined to elaborate on a prime suspect. Roger Meisenbach has spoken to police and apparently has hired an attorney, he said.

"A part representing him has been contacted about this," Smith said. Smith made a public plea for help in the case. Authorities have confirmed reports from three people who said they saw Meisenbach Feb. 6 at the Beatrice Wal-Mart, he said, but more help is needed. "Anybody who thinks they saw (Meisenbach) or talked to her at Wal-Mart, we really need to talk to them," Smith said. "We really want them to call."

Timeline: A chronology of events in the disappearance of 83-year-old-Lillian Meisenbach of Beatrice:
Feb. 6: Police say Meisenbach was last seen at the Beatrice Wal-Mart.
Feb. 7: Meisenbach misses appointment with her chiropractor; son Roger Meisenbach returns his mother's rented 1993 Mercury Topaz and picks up his mother's car. He later told police his mother wasn't home when he stopped that day.
Feb. 8: Police list Meisenbach as a missing person.
Feb. 9: Investigator spots a "large amount" of blood in rental car; the car's red interior made the blood difficult to see. Police believe it was Meisenbach's, but DNA tests are not complete.
Feb. 22: Nebraska State Patrol helicopter is called in to aid in the search. Authorities ask landowners to check their properties.
Feb. 24: Body of elderly woman found 13 miles north of Beatrice; investigators believe it is Meisenbach.
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Beatrice woman is still missing
The following appeared in the Lincoln Journal Star in Lincoln Nebraska on Tuesday February 15th 2000:

BEATRICE - Beatrice police are still looking for Lillian Meisenbach of Beatrice. The 83-year-old woman was reported missing Feb. 8 after her chiropractor noticed she had missed her Feb. 7 appointment. According to friends and neighbors contacted by police, the last time anyone can be sure about seeing Meisenbach was Feb 4.

Police said it did not appear she had packed to leave, and her car was at her home. "We're still getting calls and we're still talking to people, neighbors and friends," said Capt. Bill Fitzgerald.

Anyone with information about Meisenbach's whereabouts can call the Beatrice Police Department at (402) 223-4080.
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