A photo of Martin Horsey

Martin Horsey 1945 - 2016

Martin Horsey of Ventura, Ventura County, California United States was born on December 12, 1945 in Lewisham, Greater London County, England United Kingdom, and died at age 70 years old on October 9, 2016 in Ventura, Ventura County, California United States. Martin Horsey was buried at Ivy Lawn Memorial Park & Funeral Home in Ventura.
Martin Horsey
Martin Henry Horsey
Ventura, Ventura County, California United States
December 12, 1945
Lewisham, Greater London County, England, United Kingdom
October 9, 2016
Ventura, Ventura County, California, United States
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Martin Horsey's History: 1945 - 2016

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  • Introduction

    Martin Henry Horsey's parents were Henry James (Harry) Horsey (1915 - 1977) and May Footring-Payne (Averns) (1917 - 1993). He had siblings Graham (1942 - 1978) and Linda May (1948 - 2014). Most sources report Martin's date of death as October 9, 2016. Martin Horsey was an actor, playwright, and producer. Some productions that he was involved in are "Centurion AD: Demons Within" in 2017, "The President's Analyst" in 1967, and "Alias" in 2001. Martin also performed in the London production of "Oliver" (the original musical) in 1960. He was the original Artful Dodger and can be heard on the Decca record of the show. He is featured in the songs "Consider Yourself" and "I'd do Anything". Also in the cast were Ron Moody, Georgia Brown, Paul Whitsun-Jones, Hope Jackman, Danny Sewell, Keith Hamshere, and Barry Humphries, In May of 2002, his own play, "L'Chaim" (To Life), began its run at the Odyssey Theater in Los Angeles and went on to be performed in Ventura, CA, twice. See Martin Horsey - "L' Chaim - To Life" to read an article about the debut of his play. Martin was married to Minadora Demyashkin and had 3 children, two sons and one daughter. On his headstone, is inscribed: HORSEY Martin Henry Beloved Husband, Father, Talented Writer and Actor. Dec. 12, 1945 Oct. 9, 2016 See Martin Henry Horsey Gravesite. There is also a picture of a typewriter on his headstone, indicating that his most important role may have been as a writer.
  • 12/12


    December 12, 1945
    Lewisham, Greater London County, England United Kingdom
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Martin was Caucasian, of English extraction on his paternal and maternal sides. However, his maternal grandfather had been born in Poland and his maternal grandmother was born in Russia.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Born in London, England, Martin died in Ventura California. He began his career on the British stage as a child and then moved on to play roles in Hollywood in films and television.
  • Religious Beliefs

    Martin was a past member and Lay Leader at St. George's Anglican Church in Ventura.
  • Professional Career

    Martin was an actor, playwright, and producer. He began acting on the London stage as a child and his most famous role was in the original production of the play "Oliver." Some of his other roles were in "Centurion AD: Demons Within" (2017), "Alias" (2001) and "The President's Analyst" (1967). He also appeared on American television in the 1960's on such shows as "Daniel Boone" (1968), "Family Affair" (1967), "Perry Mason" (1966), and "The John Forsythe Show" (1966).
  • Personal Life & Family

    Martin was married and had three children, two sons and a daughter. He married Minadora Demyashkin on July 5, 1969 in Los Angeles, California.
  • 10/9


    October 9, 2016
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Ventura, Ventura County, California United States
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Ivy Lawn Memorial Park & Funeral Home in Ventura, Ventura County, California 93003, United States
    Burial location
  • Obituary

    St. Georges Anglican Church of Ventura November 9, 2016 ยท MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR MARTIN HORSEY, ACTOR Martin Horsey, British and American Actor's memorial service is scheduled for this Saturday November 12, 2016 at 3 P. M. at St. George's Anglican Church at 6300 Telephone Road in Ventura. Martin Horsey played the "Artful Dodger" in the original cast in London. He performed for Queen Elizabeth II. Later, he immigrated to the USA where he wrote plays such as "Nobody's Perfect", a comedy. In addition he wrote songs about life, love, and family.He acted in movies and on television as well as writing plays. Martin Horsey is survived by his wife and three adult children. More information about Martin Horsey's life can be found on the internet. Martin was a past member and Lay Leader at St. George's Anglican Church in Ventura.
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5 Memories, Stories & Photos about Martin

Martin Horsey - "L' Chaim - To Life"
Martin Horsey - "L' Chaim - To Life"
"But the play is not about old age, sickness or religion. The underpinning is the relationship between father and son. It's a very funny play and very touching, too. Everybody will relate to something in the play." = Martin Horsey, author and co-star of "L'Chaim - To Life"


Actors to make first appearance together

It was a suggestion by a theater patron that gave Martin Horsey the idea to write a play featuring him and Don Pearlman. The result, "L'Chaim - To Life" will open Friday, presented by the Vagabond Players at the Backlot Theater in Thousand Oaks. Not only is this the first time the play will be presented and the first time the men will act together, but it's also the first play for the newly formed Vagabond Players.

Horsey, of Ventura, and Pearlman, of Simi Valley, have been involved in many of the same productions, but never as actors. "I've directed him and he's directed me" Horsey said. While directing Horsey in Neil Simon's "I Ought to be in Pictures" las year at the Marquis Dinner Theatre in Camarillo, Pearlman remembers someone saying, "I've seen both of you working in shows and directing shows, but I've never seen you in a show together," he said.

That was the spark Horsey needed. "I said, 'I'm going to write a play for us.' I sat down and it just flowed," he said. He had written several plays before, but none was like this. "This is my first play that's real," he said. "It's real people and real situations. It's humorous, but it's character-driven not joke-driven - the humor comes out of the relationship."

The play has only three characters: Pearlman, 71, plays the father; Horsey 55, plays his son; and Sara Barrett of Tarzana plays a young woman who becomes sort of a catalyst in their relationship. "The premise is that Don is an aging guy going into surgery, he's getting confused and the son tries to talk him into going into a rest home," Horsey said. Pearlman's character is Jewish, but his wife wad Christian. Their son has followed his mother's influence, so the father and son don't really get along, he said.

"But the play is not about old age, sickness, or religion," Horsey said. "The underpinning is the relationship between the father and son. It's a very funny play and very touching, too," he said. "Everybody will related to something in the play." When he finished writing the script, Horsey gave it to a mutual friend to read first, and she told him to give it to Pearlman. "I called him right away and said it's just wonderful, I can hardly wait and when can we start," Pearman said. "It has everything - a lot of humor, pathos, a lot of heart. I think there is something that almost everybody can identify with."

Horsey is confident Pearlman will do justice to the role. "He is brilliant in handling comedy, and he is very adept at doing moving, serious scenes," he said. Pearlman earned a degree in theater arts at San Jose Stat University but put acting aside and went into business to support his family. When he retired about 10 years ago, he decided to get back into theater. "I sort of floated into directing because at the age I retired there were not that many roles," he said. Although he loves directing, there is nothing greater than being on stage, he said. "With the right role I would prefer that," he said. "There is nothing like making people laugh and cry - it's a great high."
Horsey was born in England and started his acting career at 14 as the original Artful Dodger in the West End London production of "Oliver." He has acted in television and films in Britain and the United States, and currently appears in a Quiznos commercial.

The play will be presented at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday through October 14. The Backlot Theatre is in the back of the lot in the Gold Coast Plaza, 1403 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Tickets are $12 ($10 for students and seniors). For reservations, call 497-8606.
- Thousand Oaks Star (Thousand Oaks, California) Thursday, September 20, 2001 on page 21 by Nicole D'Amore, staff writer.
Date & Place: in Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, California United States
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Martin Henry Horsey Gravesite
Martin Henry Horsey Gravesite
The grave of Martin Horsey in Ventura, California.
Date & Place: in Ventura, Ventura County, California United States
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Did Martin Horsey ever sing in a band
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Hi Patsy!

What a great question! I looked all over and, although his career began in "Oliver!', there is no record of his having sung in a band.

He was the original Artful Dodger in "Oliver!' on the London stage and was on the cast recording of the play. So, as a child, he was known as a good singer and got jobs because of his singing, he didn't make a career of singing. I did find, however, that he was a tenor.

It seems that he focused on acting and writing in his later life.

Thank you for asking.
Martin Horsey
Martin Horsey
A photo of Martin Horsey later in life.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Martin Horsey
Martin Horsey
A photo of Martin Horsey, Vince Inneo, Katherine Randolph, and Brian Reed Garvin in Centurion A.D. (2017)
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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