A photo of Mayer Samuel Weiss

Mayer Samuel Weiss 1829 - 1892

Mayer Samuel Weiss of New York, New York United States was born on August 27, 1829 in Miskolc Hungary. He married Rosa Czillag in 1852, and they were married until Rosa's death in 1836. They had a child Herman M. Weiss. He would also marry Cecília Steiner on May 27, 1863, and they were married until Mayer's death on October 5, 1892. They had children Nathan Josef Weiss, William Henry Weiss, Harry Houdini, Ferenc Dezső Weisz, Leopold David Weiss, and Carrie Gladys Weiss.
Mayer Samuel Weiss
Rabbi Mayer Samuel Weisz
New York, New York United States
August 27, 1829
Miskolc, Hungary
October 5, 1892
Manhattan, New York, United States
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Mayer Samuel Weiss' History: 1829 - 1892

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  • Introduction

    Mayer Samuel Weis was born on August 27th, 1829 in Miskolc, Hungary, to Abraham Weisz (1798 - 1908) and Chalotte Ratzersdorf (1818 - 1938). Both of his parents were born in Hungary. He had five younger siblings: four brothers, Samuel, Jakab, Mayer, and Ignatz and one sister, Dora. Mayer Weiss married two times: First to Josephine Weiss, born 1835, in 1855 and next to Cecilia "Cisy" Steiner (1841 - 1913) in December of 1860. Mayer and Cisy had nine children: Herman, Meitl, Solomon, Nathan, Gottfried, Eric "Harry Houdini", Ferencz, Leopold, and Carrie. Mayer received his Certificate of Ordination in Hungary in 1851. He left his wife and young children in Hungary and traveled to London, England, and then on to the United States. It is rumored that he killed a man in a duel and that he had to flee Hungary. By 1878, he had obtained a job as the Rabbi in Appleton, Wisconsin and he sent for his Hungarian family. Mayer never learned to speak English and had difficulty getting another job after he lost his job in Wisconsin. After first moving to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the family moved to New York City and Mayer worked at a tie factor: R. Richter and Sons. He died at the age of 63 after having an operation for tongue cancer and is buried in Queens, New York.
  • 08/27


    August 27, 1829
    Miskolc Hungary
  • Ethnicity & Family History

    Mayer was Caucasian. Born in Hungary, he was of Hungarian heritage on his maternal and paternal lines.
  • Nationality & Locations

    Mayer was born in Hungary of Hungarian parents. He married twice and had nine surviving children, one of whom was well-known magician Eric "Harry Houdini" Weiss.
  • Religious Beliefs

    Mayer was a Rabbi in the Jewish faith.
  • Professional Career

    Mayer was the first rabbi of Zion Reform Jewish Congregation in Appleton, Wisconsin. Because he never learned to speak English, Mayer had a difficult time of finding another job when he lost his job in Appleton. He later ended up working in a tie factory.
  • 10/5


    October 5, 1892
    Death date
    complications due to tongue cancer
    Cause of death
    Manhattan, New York United States
    Death location
  • Gravesite & Burial

    Funeral date
    Machpelah Cemetery in Ridgewood, Queens County, New York 11385, United States
    Burial location
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Mayer Samuel Weiss
Mayer Samuel Weiss
A photo of Harry Houdini's father, Mayer Samuel Weiss.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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