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Robert Dean "Bobby" Green 2007

Robert Dean ( Bobby Green of Gonzales, Texas United States, was in a relationship with Doris Jean Presimeyer, and had children William Green, Carolyn Sue Green, Michelle Denice Green, Sharon Gail Green, Jimmy Green, and Ellen Jean (Green). Robert Green died in June 2007 in Gonzales.
Robert Dean ( Bobby Green
Gonzales, Texas 78629, United States
June 2007
Gonzales, Texas, 78629, United States
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Robert Dean ( Bobby Green's History: 2007

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  • Introduction

    He was loved by everyone who knew him,he was a wonderful Man ,He was a Family Person Loved his Family so much. him and his wife Doris and Kids would give their shirts off there backs to help anyone . he drove a truck for many years he work so hard to provide for his family with lots of love . I was 45 years old they open their home up to me Doris and i was best friend he let us have fun as long as we didn't get hurt are in trouble . He was twelve years older than I was but he was like a Daddy to me if i did some thing one of his kids was allowed to do well he would give me a pep talk but not once did he raise his voice are curse at me i was not use to that but i loved and respected him so much for that.he treated me like one of his kids . He didn't like his girls working in a bar but i didn't know at the time he looked at me as one of his Kids so i went to work for Donald David's bar at Lott's and when i came out at 5:00 pm all ready to go to work he asked me were i was going must have a hot date I told him no to work he said were are you going to work at 5:00 pm I told him He said i don't like me girls working in bars men look down on them I told him Bobby a woman is what they make them self He said i use to be on the other side of that bar i know what they think. he has open my mind to a lot of things in life . i told him Bobby i didn't know you thought that away about me but i done told him i would work it today but i promise you i want do it anymore and I haven't I respect than Man so much and His whole Family . Donald David asked me if I wanted a full Time Job the next day I told him no thanks but i really appreciate it I told him you know i live with Doris and Bobby Green he said yes I said Out of respect of them I want . but appreciate you . Bobby was a wonderful Daddy and Husband and Friend to everyone . He died the day before Fathers Day in 2007 I was walking around the Cemetery when I got the call from my Brother John to go get Peanuts and Jim the two son's like Yesterday I went to crying and i knew I went to get them and went out to the Hospital .
  • date of


  • 06/dd


    June 2007
    Death date
    Cause of death
    Gonzales, Texas 78629, United States
    Death location
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