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Mary Ann is buried in Iowa but have not been able to find Lynus or Mary Carrie. Last I can find on Mary Carrie is in South Dakota living with son L Miller Green.
April 26th 2002 while working at the University of Maryland for their annual Maryland Daevent, I had little to do, and there was a computer, so found this website People Search. com and put his name in a found three Wilbert Greens' living in the DC area, so I started makig my calls the first one my husband called and talked with him, and told him my story, he apologize and said he was the one, but if I didn't find him, he would love to be my dad, the second one I called on a Saturday evening, just to here the voice, and he answered, I didn't know what to say so I ask for Karen, his response was that she just left for Andrews Afir Force Base, so I sad thank you and hung up well that was a surprise. The next morning Sunday, I called back pretending to be a friend helping a friend locate her father, so I started asking him question about my mother and he did know her, where she was from, here mothers name and how many sibling she had, so the more question I ask the more he answered, but we had to end the call because the was getting ready to go to church but wanted to finish the conversation so he told me to call him on Monday when I get home from work. I called him on Monday evening and we talked for about 2 1/2 hours, he ask me question about who I was, I faked my way through that, but after an extensive conversation, and he could tell be what kind of cigerettes she smoke that I forgot about, and her smile, so of course the more questioned he answered the more I ws on my the edge of my seat, so finally I told him that I was the person looking for him and tha I was his daughter. I sit there and cried, I finally have the last piece to the puzzle, I am a whole person now, he as to meet me, so on the following Sunday my husband and myself went to Nineteenth Street Baptist Church,, he told us who to ask for, and when my husband ask for Wlbert Green(e), Mr. Lightfoot said there's Green(e) and I turned a round to see who it was, he stood from a leaning position and said oh my God you look like your aunt my sister, he grab ame and hugged and kissed and took me by the hand, I felt like I was 5 years old and took me into the santuary and told everbody that he knew that I was his daughter, I could here him whispering,that's my daughter, that's my daughter. it was time for offering and I gotten money out of my purse to put in the plate and and gave me twenty dollars, I said to him I have money he told me to put it away, I give you mony for church. ...
There's so much more.

1.George Green Harrison , Clare County , Michigan.
Married Tillie ?
2.John Green Harrison , Clare County , Michigan. d.September 23, 1893 in Died Young,1893 Maple Grove Cemetery Harris Clare Co.Mi.
3.Female Green b.May 30, 1878 Farwell, Clair Co. Michigan. d.May 30, 1878 Farwell, Clair Co. Michigan.
4.David Nelson Green b.June 30, 1879 Summerfield , Clare County , Michigan
5.Lottie E. Green b.June 25, 1881 Summerfield , Clare County , Michigan
Married John Clore
6.Bertha A. Green b.October 09, 1883 Harrison , Clare County , Michigan.
d.October 20, 1886 Harrison , Clare County , Mi. Maple Grove Cemetery Lot 21 Bl #4
7.Pearl Myrtle Green b.September 28, 1886 Iron River, Iron Co.Michigan.
d.December 31, 1979 Burton, Flint ,Genesee Co.Michigan. Married July 04, 1907 Crystal Falls Iron Co.Mi.George Littell b.October 04, 1879 Iron River, Iron Co.Michigan. d.July 07, 1954 Burton, Flint ,Genesee Co.Michigan.
8.Flossa Green b.January 01, 1889 Iron River, Iron Co.Michigan.
9.Lyle W. Green b.January 09, 1892 Iron River, Iron Co.Michigan. d.September 01, 1973 Iron Mountain, Dickinson, Michigan. Married;Nettie Meyer b.July 16, 1890 d.May 12, 1985 Iron Mountain,Kingsford, Dickinson, Michigan.
10.Dencie Green b.October 12, 1898 Iron River, Iron Co.Michigan. d.January 30, 1993 Married;Ernie La Fleur d.January 25, 1967
11.Cleo Green b.April 06, 1902 Iron River, Iron Co. Michigan. d.October 17, 1992 Youngstown, Arizona,USA Sunland Memorial Park Sun City Az. Married;March 11, 1920 Iron River, Iron County, Michigan,USA. Terzo Capadagli b.February 11, 1897 Acqualagna,Pesaro,Urbino,Marche, Italy. d.August 14, 1974 Youngstown, Arizona,USA Sunland Memorial Park Sun City Az.
Any information would be appreciated.
Unfortunately, I have no pictures of their home, so will attempt to describe it, for myself, when my memory goes, and for “all those who will come after”. My earliest recollections, 1958 (6 years old) where I'll begin. It is no longer there, and was replaced by a stale, stagnate, square brick building.
In retrospect, I remember their house being huge with a porch, and a huge towering oak tree beside it. The porch was 15-20' by 30'. There were two windows facing onto the porch from the living room.
The house had only two bedrooms, however, it was the high ceilings that made it seem so big. Over each door was a rectangular window, with ornate wood working down the sides, and rooms were in wallpaper. The living room was 40x20', with two other doors, one leading to dining room, and the other to the front bedroom. I slept there, in an iron bedstead with a feather mattress. When you crawled between the sheets (winter), it was like sinking into a cloud, and I was never cold, always with 3 or 4 quilts on me.
From that bedroom was a door to the other bedroom, where four windows filled the wall, and were tall, like the ceilings. There were two beds here, and a pink dresser where Mama Green sat every night taking her hair down, and brushing it out. Her hair went to the floor, and was beautiful.
What wonderful memories of the meals we ate in the dining room. The food was incredible, and NOT reproducible by anyone, anywhere. We had lots of vegetables (grown in the garden), chicken, and my personal favorites always chocolate pie and banana pudding.
On waking Saturday morning, the sweetest smells filled the rooms, and the table (to-die for biscuits and gravy). Saturday afternoon, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, the sweetest corn you ever tasted, best homemade biscuits, baked squash, always one of my desserts. I have never found anyone who could make a homemade chocolate pie like Mama Green.
From the dining room was a door to the kitchen, next to the bathroom with a pantry filled with goodies. I remember there was not much counter space, but never seemed to bother Mama Green—she was grace in motion when working in “her” kitchen.
Walking from the dining room into the kitchen, to the right was a door leading to the “back porch”, which had been screened in. There was an old ladder back chair with rope seating next to an old wringer washer.
From the porch was a door leading to the first bedroom (where they slept) and from there a door to the bathroom. There was a porcelain claw bathtub that I could lay back in and soak for hours.
Leaving out the back door, to the left was a garden which was at least maybe close to an acre, always filled with lots of green vegetables, and to the right an old two-car garage. If you walked straight between the garden and garage, and behind the garage was a chicken wire enclosed area where there were chickens and a hen house. Also out back were the chairs where we would sit in the evenings and talk, and I would swing on the swing handing from the oak tree.
Across the street lived a wonderful “little old lady”, Mrs. Hornbuckle. I will always remember her in a long dress, a shawl, with kind eyes, warm loving hands, and many kind words. I truly think she loved me. I always spent time with her, and loved .wandering through her house--surrounded by flowers, bushes and trees. It was like a magical kingdom, with endless places to hide and endless places to explore, and she always had cookies.
I remember her house almost being scary as it was darker than Mama Green's, and was probably due to the many bushes, shrubs and trees. She had a wonderful front porch where we would, or in the house, and she never told me “not to touch anything” nor was afraid I would break any of her many precious treasures. I would wander throughout and find something, and ask her “what's this”, and she would tell me all about it. She was such a loving woman who made my visits at my grandparents house ever more fun. Thank you Mrs. Hornbuckle!
I can still see Mama Green working in the garden, and Papa Green walking to town (they did not have a car). A trip to Brookshire's and the local “Sears” of sorts was always an added treat, and walking with Papa Green to town was “the best”. I remember the pool, and the local convenience store, where they had the best tasting ice cream sandwiches in the world.
After dinner, Mama Green and my mother would go into the kitchen and clean up, and Papa Green and my dad would go into the living room and read the paper or just talk. Eventually, we would all gather in the living room to watch Lawrence Welk and his magic bubble machine.
They were very religious people and attended the Primitive Baptist Church. We would go to church on Sunday, and we always sat in the same pew, and we sang, as Mama Green loved to sing. Afterwards, all would gather outside under the beautiful trees, and everyone would bring something and have a sit-down dinner. I don't really know what the men did as I was with the women—that was the way it was then.
We eventually went back to the house, pack our bags, and leave so we could get home by dark. We said our good-byes and headed for home after spending a most wonderful weekend in paradise.

I have no knowledge who Bennie & Charlie's parents were or from where they originated.
I have no idea if they had other brothers/sisters.
I DO know there was one of these Green(e) relatives that in the early 1960s taught on the university level for TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY. Don't have any idea if this was a nephew or cousin to Bennie & Charlie---
I DO know Bennie & Wirt Addison Jones 1) First had a still-born child approx. time frame of 1899 & burried with no marker just down the road (back toward Pickens, MS) from where they are both burried; 2) Second child was Rachel Cozette Jones, b 27 Feb, 1907, & died Dec 1986, married Thad M Fagan and one child Joy Annita; 3)Third child was Wirt Addison Jones, b 05 Nov. approx 1915, married Lucille Green(e) and had three children, Wirt Addison Jones, Jr (MD), Susan D Jones, and Terri Jones.
I DO know that the GREEN(e) that taught at Texas Christian Univ. had at least on son that was very bright and went to architect school up in New England Area.
My grandmother was Rachel Cozette Jones. All the correspondance she had with the Green(e) professor was referenced as "cousin"...That does not tell me what the relationship of this professor is to Bennie and Charlie----was he also their cousin?...or perhaps their nephew???
ANYBODY OUT HERE HAVEING ANY DATA ABOUT THESE PEOPLE PLEASE!! PLEASE!! FORWARD IT TO ME...Due to their demand for a low-profile life and passing this attitude on to their children I am basicly butting my head against a blank wall every place I try to find records for them
ANNI HITT [contact link]

"On the night of that memorable 26 Sept. a company of cut-throats met at the house of Jacob Fulcher, and hung him until he was unconscious. After robbing his house, they went to the house of John Rapp, robbed him, and hung him on leaning tree. They them went to TIP GREEN'S and after robbing his house, brought him to Rapp's house and hung him besided the dead body of Rapp. Two days later I was ordered , as public administrator , to take charge of Rapp's estate. The only valuable I found in his his house was $20.00 bill of Confederate money, lying on the floor. It wa said that the possession of this money was the excuse for hanging him. I did not inventory the $20.00.
page 352: TIP GREEN
He was hung, as stated, Sepember 26,1863. ch: 1 John; 2 William; 3 Mary m'd Jas Cannon; 4 Nicholas R; 5 Martin B; 6 Stonewall T. Tip was the Nephew of ELISHA GREEN.
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