
"Cantinflas" and David Niven

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
"Cantinflas" and David Niven
A photo of "Cantinflas" Mario Moreno
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Mario Moreno
Mario Fortino Alfonso Moreno Reyes, known casually as Mario Moreno, and known professionally as Cantinflas (12 August 1911 – 20 April 1993) Mario Moreno Reyes ('Cantinflas'), actor: born Mexico City 12 August 1911; married (one adopted son); died Mexico City 20 April 1993. CANTINFLAS was one of the most famous men in the world in the late 1950s. Like many another, he was famous for being famous. This wasn't his fault. He had the good luck to be in a hugely popular Academy Award-winning movie, and with his bowler hat, wing collar, incipient moustache and quizzical expression there was no one quite like him - which is reason enough for fame in the movies. He had been extraordinarily popular in his native Mexico and other Latin American countries since making his film debut in 1936; he had been a prizefighter, a comic bullfighter and a circus clown. In movies the combination of pathos and slapstick had a wide appeal. He usually made one film a year and such was his popularity that the government learnt to close the pawnshops on the day his films opened. All the same, no one predicted international fame for him until Mike Todd cast him as the valet Passepartout in Around the World in 80 Days (1956), accompanying Phineas Fogg on his travels. Todd was a flamboyant - the adjective was always used - showman, with a vivid personal way of life and several indifferent Broadway credits. In 1945 Orson Welles asked him to produce a dramatised version of the Jules Verne novel. Todd withdrew, claiming that he had no more money, but the book continued to fascinate him, and he chose it for his first venture as a movie producer. It looked a very dodgy one: he had huge ambition but no experience, and his British director, Michael Anderson, though more than capable, had not worked on a big-budget Hollywood movie. The leading man, David Niven, had once been a leading Hollywood star, but the offers had become either lean or few and far between. Todd decided to back him with an all-star cast in the minor roles, going first to Noel Coward on the assumption that, if Coward assented, everyone else would. They did: from Ronald Colman to Marlene Dietrich, from Beatrice Lillie to John Gielgud. As well as Fernandel. Fernandel had been in movies longer than Cantinflas, but it was thought that he, too, had a local appeal which wouldn't travel: but Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo (1952) changed that. Many others of his French movies were successfully exported, so that Todd begged him to play Passepartout. Fernandel declined, saying that his English wasn't good enough. Todd looked at some of Cantinflas's comic cut-ups and offered him the role. He made a great success in it - mischievous, cunning, and wholly devoted to his master. The film's success ensured Cantinflas a niche among movie immortals. Charlie Chaplin called him 'the world's greatest comedian', doubtless because he knew that Cantinflas was called 'Mexico's Charlie Chaplin'. While several Hollywood studios planned star vehicles for him, he returned to Mexico and made, among other films, Sube y Baja (1959, 'Ups and Downs'). This arrived in Britain early in 1961, supporting Carne's Les Tricheurs at one of the lesser art cinemas in London. It was an ingenuous but trying piece, with Cantinflas as a lift attendant who impersonates a famous athlete. He was himself - as he had not been in Mike Todd's film - trousers braced too high, double- jointed, an innocent, reminiscent of Harry Langdon or Harold Lloyd's early screen persona. Both he and the film went unremarked - which was not a good augury for the actor's big Hollywood film. This was Pepe (1960), produced and directed at Columbia by George Sidney, with Dan Dailey and Shirley Jones as supporting cast, plus just about everyone in cameo roles - Crosby, Chevalier, Sinatra, Greer Garson, Jack Lemmon, Kim Novak etc. Cantinflas played a Mexican ranch foreman who has adventures in Hollywood, all of them witless and cliche-ridden. Hollywood didn't give Cantinflas another chance. It really wasn't his fault. Someone should have realised at the start that his English simply wasn't up to sustaining the leading role. He continued to film in Mexico, his popularity growing with the years, and he became immensely wealthy - it was a wealth he shared with many charities and the Church.
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David Niven
The next year, in the box-office hit ''Around the World in 80 Days,'' Mr. Niven's acting attracted less attention than it otherwise might have, because the cast included many other stars in cameo appearances. Reviewing ''Separate Tables,'' the 1958 screen adaptation of Terence Rattigan's play, Bosley Crowther said that, as the fraudulent major ''who turns out to be a particularly sad sort of person, David Niven starts weakly and gains strength, so that his final scene of gathering valor is one of the best in the film.'' In later years, Mr. Niven appeared in such comedies as the entertaining ''Please Don't Eat the Daisies'' (1960) and ''The Pink Panther'' (1964), which was the first of the Panther series. More Recent Films And he won warm praise from critics for his starring role in the 1966 espionage movie ''Where the Spies Are.'' Howard Thompson of The Times said that Mr. Niven gave his ''most appealing performance in several seasons'' and was ''entirely persuasive and convincing as a confused, aging but spunky novice in the cutthroat business of espionage.'' His more recent movies included ''A Man Called Intrepid'' and ''Rough Cut'' in 1979 and ''The Sea Wolves'' in 1980. Mr. Niven also worked in television, serving as host of ''The David Niven Show'' from 1959 to 1964 and starring in ''The Rogues'' in 1964 and 1965, among other activities.
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Amanda S. Stevenson
For fifty years I have been a Document Examiner and that is how I earn my living. For over 50 years I have also been a publicist for actors, singers, writers, composers, artists, comedians, and many progressive non-profit organizations. I am a Librettist-Composer of a Broadway musical called, "Nellie Bly" and I am in the process of making small changes to it. In addition, I have written over 100 songs that would be considered "popular music" in the genre of THE AMERICAN SONGBOOK.
My family consists of four branches. The Norwegians and The Italians and the Norwegian-Americans and the Italian Americans.
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