
Amos Woodward farmhouse, Joy Prairie, Illinois

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Amos Woodward farmhouse, Joy Prairie, Illinois
This is the farmhouse owned by Amos Woodward (born 11 Jan 1812 in Royalton, Windsor, Vermont). The farm is in a lost community called Joy Prairie, near Concord, Illinois.
Date & Place: at Amos Woodward Farm in Joy Prairie, Morgan County, Illinois USA
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I am a relative of this man. I inheireted a box that is made by "Uncle Art" in 1957. It is made from walnut weatherboards from this exact house and "Mother's old cherry bed". There is a picture of this house inside the box and everything matches, even the trees. My dad, Glen Edward Wagner gave me the box. Inside it says "To Norm from mom and dad (date)." Norm was Norman Wagner, my paternal grandfather. The box is exquisite, I've admired it since I was a child. It's awesome to see the picture of the same house here on the internet. I'd love to do some research and find out who Amos Woodward was. I don't know if I ever met him, but I seem to remember visiting a Great Grandma Woodward somewhere when I was little.
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