
Angelo & Madaline Colautti

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Angelo & Madaline Colautti
Papa Angelo Colautti in the yard of his father-in-law holding daughter Madaline/Maddalena.
Date & Place: in Sparks, Washoe County, Nevada United States
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Madaline Colautti
The story behind the first name. It was given by father Angelo Colautti after his mother, Maddalena Pasutti Colautti. However his wife Ermelin gave Madaline the Anglicized form. Mamma taught me to spell it Madeline. However, years later when I ordered a copy of my birth certificate so I could obtain a passport, we discovered that the name was spelled 'Madaline.In my teens, I changed the spelling to 'Madelyn' to reflect the way most people pronounced it. I once told Papa that I wished Mamma had kept the Italian form of the name. He happily called me 'Maddalena' for the rest of his life. It is the name I prefer.
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Angelo Eugenio Colautti
Angelo Eugenio Colautti was the partriarch of his family in America and my father. He emigrated from the small village Orcenico Superiore, a frazione of the commune of Zoppola, in the province of Pordenone, region, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Italia in 1921. He was the eldest son of Giuseppe and Maddalena Pasutti Colautti. His brothers were Luigi and Attilio. He traveled to America aboard the Genoese ship "Duca degli Abruzzi" with two friends from his village, and a cousin, Angelo Pasutti.. Papa told us he spent most of the time being seasick. He was 17 years old.
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Madaline Colautti
I am interested in finding family. I was recently found because of the Internet by my cousins the children of my father's only brother whom we had never met. Papa came to the USA alone from Italy in 1921 and lost contact with his family during WWII. Until our recent contact, we had never seen pictures or met any of his family. It has been a miracle finally seeing pictures of his birthplace and his family, noting family resemblances, and exchanging letters. I have a great interest in Italy and Italian culture.
Father, Angelo Eugenio, Colautti. Mother Ermelin Fereira Colautti, sister, Rose Marie Colautti
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