
Antone & Elizabeth (Stemitch) Schoeffel, 1940

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Antone & Elizabeth (Stemitch) Schoeffel, 1940
Antone Schoeffel wife Elizabeth Schoeffel Stemitch: A photo of Antone Schoeffel and wife at their home in Pittsburg. 1940
People in photo include: Schoeffel, Antone and Elizabeth (Stemitch) Schoeffel
Date & Place: at Pittsburg in Pennsylvania United States of America
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Antone Schoeffel
Antone Schoeffel of Wampum, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania United States was born on November 17, 1866 in Höchstadt Germany, Middle Franconia County, BY Germany, and died at age 79 years old on August 10, 1946 in Wampum, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania United States.
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