
Arthur Treacher and Merv Griffin

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Arthur Treacher and Merv Griffin
They were great friends and Arthur Treacher was on his show for years,
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Arthur Treacher
Arthur Veary Treacher, 23 July 1894 – 14 December 1975, was an English film and stage actor active from the 1920s to the 1960s and known for playing English stereotypes, especially butler and manservant roles, such as the P.G. Wodehouse valet character Jeeves (Thank You, Jeeves, 1936) and the kind butler Andrews opposite Shirley Temple in Heidi (1937). In the 1960s, he became well-known on American television as an announcer/sidekick to talk show host Merv Griffin. He lent his name to the Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips chain of restaurants. Personal life Treacher was the son of Arthur Veary Treacher (1862–1924), a Sussex solicitor; his mother was Alice Mary Longhurst (1865–1946). He was educated at a boarding school in Uppingham in Rutland. In 1936, he married Virginia Taylor (1898–1984). Acting career Treacher was a veteran of World War I, serving as an officer of the Royal Garrison Artillery; his father had served with the Sussex Volunteer Artillery before Treacher's birth. After the war, he established an acting career in England, and in March 1926 went to New York as part of a musical-comedy revue named Great Temptations. He was featured in the 1930 Billy Rose musical revue Sweet and Low. He began his movie career during the 1930s, which included roles in four Shirley Temple movies: Curly Top (1935), Stowaway (1936), Heidi (1937), and The Little Princess (1939). Scenes intentionally had the 6' 4" Treacher standing or dancing side-by-side with the tiny child actress; for example, in The Little Princess they sing and dance together to an old song "Knocked 'em in the Old Kent Road". Treacher filled the role of the ideal butler, and he portrayed P. G. Wodehouse's valet character Jeeves in the movies Thank You, Jeeves! (1936) and Step Lively, Jeeves (1937). (Wodehouse, however, was unhappy with the way his work had been adapted, and refused to authorize any further Jeeves movies.) Treacher played a valet or butler in several other movies, including Personal Maid's Secret, Mister Cinderella, and Bordertown. He was caricatured in the 1941 cartoon Hollywood Steps Out. Treacher also did radio programs in the 1940s and early 1950s, most notably as a waiter on Duffy's Tavern. Later years During 1961 and 1962, he and William Gaxton appeared in Guy Lombardo's production of the musical revue Paradise Island, which played at the Jones Beach Marine Theater. In 1962, he replaced Robert Coote as King Pellinore (with over-the-title name billing) in the original Broadway production of Lerner and Loewe's musical play Camelot, and he remained with the show through the Chicago engagement and post-Broadway tour that ended during August 1964. From the mid-1950s on, Treacher became a familiar figure on American television as a guest on talk shows and panel games, including The Tonight Show, I've Got a Secret, and The Garry Moore Show. In 1964, Treacher was cast in the role of Constable Jones in the hugely successful Walt Disney movie Mary Poppins. That same year, he played the role of stuffy English butler Arthur Pinckney in two episodes of The Beverly Hillbillies. Pinckney mistakenly believed the hillbillies were the domestic servants of the family by whom he was hired, while the hillbillies believed Pinckney was a boarder at their Beverly Hills mansion. Treacher and Merv Griffin on Griffin's CBS talk show, 1969. He became even better known to American television audiences when talk-show host Merv Griffin made him announcer and occasional bantering partner on The Merv Griffin Show from 1965–70 ("...and now, here's the dear boy himself, Merrr-vyn!"). When in 1969 Griffin switched from syndication to the CBS network, network executives insisted that Treacher was too old for the show, but Griffin fought to keep Treacher and eventually won. However, when Griffin relocated his show from New York to Los Angeles the next year, Treacher stayed behind, telling Griffin "at my age, I don't want to move, especially to someplace that shakes!" During this period of latter-day popularity, Treacher capitalized on his name recognition through the use of his name and image for such franchised business concerns as the Call Arthur Treacher Service System (a household help agency) and Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips restaurants. The restaurants became very popular during the 1970s and increased to nearly 900 outlets, although it is unclear whether or not Treacher had any direct ownership involvement with the company. By 2016, there were only seven restaurants. Treacher died at the age of 81 due to cardiovascular disease.
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Amanda S. Stevenson
For fifty years I have been a Document Examiner and that is how I earn my living. For over 50 years I have also been a publicist for actors, singers, writers, composers, artists, comedians, and many progressive non-profit organizations. I am a Librettist-Composer of a Broadway musical called, "Nellie Bly" and I am in the process of making small changes to it. In addition, I have written over 100 songs that would be considered "popular music" in the genre of THE AMERICAN SONGBOOK.
My family consists of four branches. The Norwegians and The Italians and the Norwegian-Americans and the Italian Americans.
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