Catherine Octava (Booth) Gibson, w/o John Loyd Gibson. bJun 1849-AL. Family history is b. Creek Terr, AL. Choctaw-Chickasaw, she spoke both within the home. In 1998, grandson, James Albert Dreher, said she drew "a little Confederate pension all her life."
Catherine Octavia Gibson was born on June 7, 1850. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Catherine Octavia Gibson.
Photos of the 1900's which brought us from the industrial age to the technological age.
From 1900 through 1999 we witnessed the beginning of flight to a man on the moon and a Mars Rover. We went from using phones tethered by cords and computers that filled rooms, to carrying the equivale...
Coming out of the Great Depression, the world faced another challenge in the 1940's: World War II. Although the war began in the 1930's, it expanded and gained in ferocity (and atrocities) in the 194...