
Comer Board

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Comer Board
A photo of Comer Board
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Comer  Board
Comer was a farmer near Hangatiki in the Waitomo area.He had a passion for Horses as did his younger brothers. One photo shows Comer on horseback with 4 others, It is thought this was his Polocrosse Team. According to the Auckland Star Newspaper Comer enlisted on 1st of May 1916 at the Queen Street recruiting center. Comer was wounded 28th Feb 1917 and re-joined his unit by 31st March. Lance Corporal Comer Board was reported missing 9th June1917. Records show he was killed in action on 7th June the day of Battle for Messines began. His regiment the 1/Auckland NZEF was involved in the attack on Hill 63 on the day. The family believe that because Comer was well over 6ft tall he may have been an easy target as he was shot in the trenches. It is also possible that he died in a counter attack launched by German Artillery.
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