The experienced hands of seamstress Cora Smith Kayser show the nearly lost art of tatting, tying thread in knots and shapes to make a piece similar in appearance to lace. I took this when Grandma Cora was in her seventies and teaching a group of young girls trying to learn the craft.
Cora M. Smith, [b.30 Jan 1903-Hempstead, Arkansas; d.1 Jul 1991-Little Rock, Pulaski Co, Arkansas; bd. Primrose Cem, Sweet Home, Arkansas].
Cora m1) Henry "Hank" Kayser. Both of them widowed, she m2) Hank's older brother, Louis C. Kayser. As a teenager, she had dated both brothers. Louis and his brother Charles served in France in WWI. Hank, the youngest child, was too young to go. He stayed home to help his widowed mother with the farm, and as Cora said, "he swooped in" on the lovely Miss Cora and "stole her heart."
Remembering people who entertained us through the decades with special moments captured on film.
Entertainers, whether they be musicians, actors, celebrities, or dancers, heavily influence our culture and impact our individual lives. These photos, many of recognizable people from our past, will e...
Photos of family farms and ranches - and the people and animals who lived on them.
Family farms - whether they are ranches, plantations, or the traditional farm - are the backbone of life around the world. These are photos of those homes, people, fields, and animals that comprise a...
Our homes from the past - from our childhood family home, our starter homes, to the homes we retire in.
Our homes provide us with a sense of security, stability, and comfort, and it is where we can escape from the outside world and find peace and solitude. A home is a place where we can relax, unwind, a...