
Dick Haymes.

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Dick Haymes.
Extremely popular in the 1940's and 1950's.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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Dick Haymes
About DICK HAYMES. Richard Benjamin Haymes was an Argentinian singer and actor. He was one of the most popular male vocalists of the 1940s and early 1950s. He was the older brother of Bob Haymes, an actor, television host, and songwriter. Born: September 13, 1918, Buenos Aires, Argentina Died: March 28, 1980, Los Angeles, CA Grandchildren: Zoƫ Oakes, Hayley Oakes Nominations: NME Award for Favourite US Male Singer Record labels: Decca Records, Audiophile Records
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Amanda S. Stevenson
For fifty years I have been a Document Examiner and that is how I earn my living. For over 50 years I have also been a publicist for actors, singers, writers, composers, artists, comedians, and many progressive non-profit organizations. I am a Librettist-Composer of a Broadway musical called, "Nellie Bly" and I am in the process of making small changes to it. In addition, I have written over 100 songs that would be considered "popular music" in the genre of THE AMERICAN SONGBOOK.
My family consists of four branches. The Norwegians and The Italians and the Norwegian-Americans and the Italian Americans.
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