
Drewry Relatives

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Drewry Relatives
Picture was e-mailed to me by cousin in CA Kristen Blanchard.

Drewry Relatives unknown? Bedford County, Virginia
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I have a freind named (John) Drewry...this picture on here looks just like him!
I was going to ask you to send me a copy of your image so that I could clean it up a bit for you and digitaly inhance it for you but it looks like it might be a bit out of my league. I'd like to suggest that you get and artist to do a rendition of it based on what he can pick out of it. I think that you will be very satisfied with the results. Then again have it photographed so as to preserve theimage as much as possable. OLD CLASIC images are a treasure in themselves.
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