
Elizabeth Odessa (Williamson) Green, Wyoming

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Elizabeth Odessa (Williamson) Green, Wyoming
A photo of Elizabeth Odessa (Williamson) Green, David, Dunkle. James William Green's 2nd wife.
Date & Place: at Ranch in Yoder Wyoming. in Yoder, Goshen County, Wyoming 82244, United States
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Elizabeth O. Dunkle
Elizabeth (Williamson) Green, David, Dunkle was born in Appleton City Missouri to John Henry Williamson and Grace Ellen (Becks) Williamson. John and Grace had 5 children. Grace Williamson 11-1-1908 -died- 2-9-1921 Norah E. (Williamson) Smith, Howard, Blackburn 10-28-1910. Elizabeth O.(Williamson) Green, David, Dunkle Melvin H. Williamson 5-2-1919 Vernon L. Williamson 12-11-1926
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James William Green
1st wife was named Kathrine Kuntz, they had 3 children Frank Green Frances (Green) Titus Philip Green 2nd wife was Elizabeth Williamson, they had 6 children John Green Jimmie Green Melvin Green Grace (Green) Land Yvonne (Green) Hopp Linda (Green) Harshberger 3rd wife was Ruth Woehler, 3 step daughters Roberta (Bliss) Green Tommie lee (Bliss) Gordon Nancy (Bliss) Watkins

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