
Franklin-Louthan-Moore in CO

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Franklin-Louthan-Moore in CO
On Robert Schofield Franklin & wife, Julia Estella Louthan Franklin's farm in Severance, CO. L to R: Robert (1866-1948) & Julia (1871-1962), her brother, Samuel Theodore Louthan (1875-1949), Sarah Margaret Moore (1857-1942) and Henry William Moore (b. 1869) & grandaughter, Shirley Babcock. Julia & Sam's parents: James Franklin Louthan & Margaret Frances Danner. Sarah & Henry's parents: William Thomas Moore & Margaret Elizabeth Louthan (sister ro J.F. Louthan). Shirley's parents: Ralph Samuel Franklin (1890-1930) & Lucy Helen Huskey (1892-1973)
Date & Place: in Severance, Colorado United States
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