
Fransta, Sweden

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Fransta, Sweden
No name on this photo.
Armida Halen, the photographer, was in business between 1887-1899 in Ange & Fransta, Sweden. Over 23 photos in the album were done by Armida Halen. Some of the other family names were Angstrom, Ohlen, Aronsson, and Jonsson...possible relationship to one of these families.
Date & Place: at Armida Halen in Ange & Fransta Sweden
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Pam Marks
My life-time love of geneology and old photos led to the concept of Ancientfaces back in 1999....through the site I have made contact with previously unknown cousins in Australia, Tasmania, England, Scotland and various states in the US, broadening and enriching my family stories, photos and family relationships. The names I am researching resided in and/or settled the following areas: South Wales; Scotland; Northern Ireland; Normandy; Germany, Belgium & the Netherlands; Virginia; West Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas, Idaho and Washington state; first wave of settlers in the Hudson River & Mohawk River Vallies; founding fathers of New Haven, Middlesex and New London Counties, CT, along with Suffolk, Norfolk & Middlesex Counties in MA; first wave of settlers to Quebec and Ontario, Canada. Also, I am a member of the Mayflower Society after tracing my maternal side to John Billington, a Mayflower passenger ( with his family) who settled in Plymouth , and signed, the Mayflower compact.
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