
Great grandmother from Melicucca

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Great grandmother from Melicucca
This photos is from Melicucca, RC Italy. It is one of only two photos of her family that my grandmother
Maria Mandalari had. She immigrated to the US in the early 1900s, never to
return to Italy. We think this photo was sent to her around WW2. We think
it may be her mother Rosa Dinaro with an unknown child. However it may also
be her mother or Aunt on her father's (Mandalari) side.

We don't know who this really is. There was no writing on it. The background in the picture was damaged but
restored. Can someone help us identify this woman and child?
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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I sent you a message regarding this photo - I am traveling to Melicucca this August and if you send a copy of the picture to me I would be happy to take a copy of the picture and ask around.
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