
Joey Digap-Viernes-Pascua

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Joey Digap-Viernes-Pascua
This is a photo of Joey Viernes Digap Pascua added by Luke Dula on March 24, 2021.
Date & Place: in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California United States
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Joey Viernes Digap Pascua
Joey Pascua is the curent Patriach of Digap clan. He is member of the Order of Dula with the traditional Baron Title.
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Luke Dula
Luke Paramisuli-Digap Dula the current panglima banwa of the precolonial Philippines.
Digap means "pure" and Dula means "leader". Digap was a malay offspring surname of a factions between Assad Dula Digap and buranon imam daughter named Matilda Paramisuli.
Joey Pascua
I am currently the Patriarch of the Noble House of Dula Y Digap Y Pascua and a traditional Baron in the Order of Dula of the House of Dula/Dulay. I am active member of the Principales Hereditary Council of the Philippines, UNONGO and Union Monarquia Balear.
I grow up in the Province of Pangasinan where i attended my Primary, Secondary and College Schooling. I was born out of wedlock to Adolfo Lazo Pascua and Dominga Digap Viernes. I was raise by my grandmother Maxima Viernes Digap and Gaudencio Viernes. I am married to Maestra Meliza Balagot Pascua and have a son named Joemel B. Pascua.
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