
John Cooper Family, 1901 LA

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
John Cooper Family, 1901 LA
Great grandfather and great grandmother Mr & Mrs John Cooper and family in Louisiana, 1901 - newspaper clipping of cooper family. I submitted this picture on ancestry please go and take a look at my profile.

In this picture: Nanny (Cooper) Webb, Mrs. John Cooper, John Cooper, Mary (Cooper) Cutright, Viola Cooper, Williams Cooper, Andree Webb, Polly Charlice Cooper, Johnny Cooper, & Charlie Cooper.
People in photo include: Nanny (Cooper) Webb, John Cooper, Mary (Cooper) Cutright, Viola Cooper, Williams Cooper, Andree Webb, Polly Charlice Cooper, Johnny Cooper, and Charlie Cooper
Date & Place: in Louisiana USA
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My husband's grandfather is , John Cooper, from La. could you tell me what Parish this family is from. or more info on him and the wifes name. Or some of the people their children? Would love to hear from you my email is [contact link], if you would like to email some info. or post on this. would really appreciate any help. thanks
Joyce Cooper
My Husband's Family is Cooper also. They were from S.Carolina,to Gasdsden,County here in Florida. His G-Grandfather was William P Cooper. We are having a hard time getting info on this family. His Dad was Albert D.His Mom Melissa Sue Carr Cooper. They lived in Fla.both died in Franklin County,Fla.32322
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