Cate Moody
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Updated: August 22, 2023
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Newsboys in New Orleans
The average age of newsboys in New Orleans is very high. Many young men like these, and few little ones. Location: New Orleans, Louisiana.

Lost & Found
Help reunite mystery or 'orphan' photos that have lost their families.
Photos with the names and dates lost in history. AncientFaces has been reuniting mystery and orphan photos with their families since we began in 2000.
This 'Lost & Found' collection is of photos foun... 

Original photos of the politicians and political events throughout the past few centuries.
Welcome to a collection of photographs that document the fascinating history of politics. From democracies to monarchies, communism to fascism, and everything in between, this page captures the divers... 

The people and places that live on in our memories - not for good reasons but because of how they shocked and saddened.
Images of serial killers, mass murderers, despots and dictators, prisons, and the victims of these horrors. These people & places live on in infamy in our history.
There are the notorious killers: Th... 

The 1800s where the end of the industrial revolution and the birth of scientists.
The Industrial Revolution began around 1760 and ran through the 1840's. Then began the birth of the profession of science. Louis Pasteur, Charles Darwin, Michael Faraday, Thomas Edison, and Nikola Te... 

African Americans
See the faces of just some of the many African Americans who have contributed to building the United States into the country it is today.
African Americans in the early history of the United States had an extremely difficult start as immigrants. Having been primarily forced to immigrate to a new continent, African Americans worked throu... 

Native Americans
Images of the Native American people - the tribes, their dress, and their lifestyles. We honor and celebrate Native American history with this collection of historic photos.
The best way to understand the people who first inhabited North America, Native Americans, is through their own words. The following quotes contain some of the wisdom passed down through generations o... 

Popular Photos
These historical photos have generated quite the buzz!
This collection of historical photos has got people talking. These photos - either because of the subject and/or the story - have generated a lot of comments among the community. What do you have to s... 

Discover how fashion has changed over the years with this collection of photos.
Fashion styles & vintage clothing throughout the decades that will inspire, make you wish for those times again, or may make you ask "What were they thinking"?
Clothing styles have obviously changed ... 

Discover the lives and legacies of notable celebrities from the past, like Bette Davis and John Wayne, by browsing photographs of them in their prime.
The lasting impact of celebrities from the past cannot be denied; they continue to be an essential part of our cultural history. Through their talent, charisma, and unique personalities, they entertai... 
John Cooper Family, 1901 LA
Great grandfather and great grandmother Mr & Mrs John Cooper and family in Louisiana, 1901 - newspaper clipping of cooper family. I submitted this picture on ancestry please go and take a look at my profile.
In this picture: Nanny (Cooper) Webb, Mrs. John Cooper, John Cooper, Mary (Cooper) Cutright, Viola Cooper, Williams Cooper, Andree Webb, Polly Charlice Cooper, Johnny Cooper, & Charlie Cooper.
People in photo include: Nanny (Cooper) Webb, John Cooper, Mary (Cooper) Cutright, Viola Cooper, Williams Cooper, Andree Webb, Polly Charlice Cooper, Johnny Cooper, and Charlie Cooper
In this picture: Nanny (Cooper) Webb, Mrs. John Cooper, John Cooper, Mary (Cooper) Cutright, Viola Cooper, Williams Cooper, Andree Webb, Polly Charlice Cooper, Johnny Cooper, & Charlie Cooper.
People in photo include: Nanny (Cooper) Webb, John Cooper, Mary (Cooper) Cutright, Viola Cooper, Williams Cooper, Andree Webb, Polly Charlice Cooper, Johnny Cooper, and Charlie Cooper

Unknown young woman, 1928 Louisiana
Striking photo of a pretty young lady in 1928 donning one of the typical hairstyles of the day. This is an unknown friend of Miss Lena Peritore who lived in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Thirty-Sixth Graduation Class of the Womans Army Auxilary Corps
Photo of graduating class at Camp Upton. From our mother's - Julie A Burritt) scrapbook who graduated in same class
People tagged:

Margaret Vining
A photo of Margaret Vining. Vintage Photos Lost & Found on FB - Margaret Vining, found in Memphis, Tennessee. Locations mentioned in album include Fulton, Kentucky, and Louisiana.
People in photo include: Margaret Vining
People in photo include: Margaret Vining

John M. Ghersanich
Photo found in antique shop in Santa Clara Co., CA.... NOT MY RELATIVE. John was born October 29, 1886 (per his WWI application) and was the son of Nicholas and Margaret Wessinger Ghersanich (parents photo posted on AF, also). The back of the photo states that John was 14 years old when this photo was taken. John married Annie W. Cuber (daughter of Dominick Cuber and Mary Fichter) October 6, 1915. They had the following children:
John M., Jr. ( 1918-2000)
Esther M. (born about 1917)
Anna Mae ( married name: Baudier)
John Sr. was a fireman according to the census records in New Orleans. Original photo sent to relative in New Orlean 6/2009.
John M., Jr. ( 1918-2000)
Esther M. (born about 1917)
Anna Mae ( married name: Baudier)
John Sr. was a fireman according to the census records in New Orleans. Original photo sent to relative in New Orlean 6/2009.
People tagged: