
Light & Link Reunion, Virginia 1933

Updated Mar 25, 2024 moment please loading spinner
Light & Link Reunion, Virginia 1933
The key (with names) to the Light and Link families reunion photo.
People in photo include: Henry Link, Bernie Lawrence, Clifford Link, Binford Light, Violet Link, Oscar Connor, Virginia Boone, Deita Conner, Isabel Link, Essie Link, Howard Goff, Marie Link, Minnie Light, Aredella Light, Harris Light, Reba Link, Joe Link, Ted Link, Wesley Link, Hubert Lawrence, Nellie Link, Bernie Link, Alpha Link, Dock Link, Roscoe LInk, Brownlow Light, Edna Link, Blondine Lawrence, Clara Lawrence, Estelle Lawrence, Larry Link, Leon Link, Christine Light, Grady Cundif, Coy Link, Jasper Light, Lillian Light, Frances Light, Julia Light, Jean Light, Moore Light, Laura Light, Henry Light, Charles Beardslee, and Alvin Link
Date & Place: in Big Walker, Virginia United States of America
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Maynard McNeil
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