
Lottis Selvey Home

Updated Jan 21, 2025 moment please loading spinner
Lottis Selvey Home
A photo of the home of Lottis Selvey.
Date & Place: Not specified or unknown.
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I currently own this home and I'm trying to find out when it was built.
My Maiden name is Laura Lee Selvey. this was my Great Aunt and Uncles home Aunt Flordy (Florida) and Uncle Lottas. My Grandmother Avis Selvey married to my Grandfather Russell Selvey and I used to go there and clean for Aunt Flordy when i was about 14 (1976). Lots of soot from the Coal oven in the kitchen and coal fireplaces . My grandfather - Russell Selvey was born in the tiny shack (with the electricity) that was removed awhile ago. Aunt Flordy's sister was Rosemarie (my Great Grandmother) who had my Grandfather - Russell Selvey. He was a B****** child and oh boy it sure stirred things up in the day. (I have been told my Grandfathers Dad was a "Rector" who was a prominent family back then and Rosemary was paid off to not give her baby the "Rector" name so he kept the Selvey name. so fascinating. There were Uncle Lottas, Aunt Tibertus, Aunt Florida and My great Gr Mother Rose who was a twin to Aunt Florida.

I never met my Gr Grandmother Rose as she passed earlier.
There is a coal mine on the property across the road but we were not allowed to venture in due to collapse. I have been to the cemetery on the hill and was told there were some servants that are buried there from many years. ago. My Dad, Edward Lee Selvey, who is now deceased, spent many of his childhood years at that house. I consider it a big part of my family roots. - Laura Selvey- Shatto. I am happy to hear it is being restored. The Staircase was beautiful in its day!!!!
Not sure but my father’s sister and brother, Lotus and Florida raised him with his mother RosesSelvey in this house in the early 1900
I have visited this home many times, last time in the late 80’s……I was born on the next farm of my grandfather Amer Hall in 1948…..most of the Selveys are buried at the United Baptist Church not far from that house…….is the smokehouse still standing next to the house, at one time that is the only place that had electricity
Thanks for replying. I'm very interested in any info you may have. As you probably know the farm has been sold off in pieces over the years. I bought the house and 1.5 acres about a year and half ago and my husband and I are currently remodeling it little by little. My son owns the 65 acres that surrounds its on 3 sides. I also purchased 35 acres that shares a boundary with my son slightly down the road. I have very little info on the property and most of it word of mouth. The house is exactly as the photo shows on the outside but we have done work on the inside. There was no heat source except the 6 fireplaces, which were unusable, so we installed heat and central air downstairs and mini splits upstairs. I have found interesting things regarding the building of the house as we are remodeling which piques my interest as to the actual age of the house. I'm currently working on the beautiful but very neglected staircase. The smoke house is not there any longer. There is a grave yard on my son's portion of the property at the top of the hill. I will go up there when the snow if off and see what I can find.
Again, thanks so much for any info.
I have many photos of the Selveys, when I find them, if you are interested
My Maiden name is Laura Lee Selvey. this was my Great Aunt and Uncles home Aunt Flordy (Florida) and Uncle Lottas. My Grandmother Avis Selvey married to my Grandfather Russell Selvey and I used to go there and clean for Aunt Flordy when i was about 14 (1976). Lots of soot from the Coal oven in the kitchen and coal fireplaces . My grandfather - Russell Selvey was born in the tiny shack (with the electricity) that was removed awhile ago. Aunt Flordy's sister was Rosemarie (my Great Grandmother) who had my Grandfather - Russell Selvey. He was a B****** child and oh boy it sure stirred things up in the day. (I have been told my Grandfathers Dad was a
Rose Selvey was my great grandmother who lived there...
This looks like a Home in Fenwick Michigan. Montcalm area. There's a united baptist church down the road from here.
No in Flemington, WV
No it’s in WV.
I would love to see the pics..
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Lottis Selvey
picture was taken in 1982 during a visit to WV, photo is the Selvey home on Long Run, Simpson, WV
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